Thursday, November 1, 2018

Halloween 2018

Halloween 2018 was a complete success (well up until 9:00pm when Natalie decided to spend the next six hours screaming her head off but that's another story...) We went to my cousins' house and they hosted a little Halloween party complete with chili, cornbread, and all the yummy desserts you could imagine! They have kids who are 3, almost 2, and 8 months (5 days younger than Nat!) and my sister-in-law brought my two nieces over as well, so the kiddos had the best time playing all together before it was time to trick-or-treat! 

Baylee and I made the monster mash brownies, and they were a complete hit!  

Originally, my girls were supposed to be Bambi and Flower the Skunk, but late in September I put "Hocus Pocus" on for Baylee and she was obsessed. As soon as the movie was over, she said "I want to be Dani for Halloween and I want sissy to be Binx!" which was followed by immediate costume orders going through on Amazon, because I wasn't going to deny her a couple of my dream costumes. ;) Brian and I decided to be Allison and Max, & let me tell you...most comfortable Halloween ever! 

Natalie crawling around in her little cat costume was priceless, and probably my favorite part of the whole night! 

Once it started to get dark, we loaded up kids and their pumpkin buckets in a couple of wagons and started the trick-or-treating. They all filled their buckets to the brim and had the best time. Everyone was really well behaved, and made it so much fun! And can we take a moment to appreciate the two 8-month-olds in the wagon? Heart eyes.

Now, I'm spending today trying to figure out if there is such thing as enough coffee to survive a baby being awake until 3:00am and then a 6:30am 4-year-old alarm clock. Tomorrow, though, the holiday season is officially beginning in the Tibbetts house! Falalalalalalalala!


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