Monday, November 12, 2018

Nine Months With Natalie!

Nine months of this sweet babe, and I think this is my favorite age of hers so far! She's really developing quite the personality now, and has been so much fun to watch as she explores and learns more about her world every day. 

Natalie just had her 9 month check-up, and she weighs a little over 18 pounds and is 26.5 inches long. Short and stout like a little teapot! ;) So far she still has no teeth, but she's been working on them like crazy. I am fully prepared for her to wake up one morning with both bottom teeth popped through. She's been a little crabby for the past couple weeks, so I know shes hurting. Poor little thing. Other than that, though, she's completely healthy and growing beautifully.

As for milestones this month, Nat was upgraded to a big girl (but still rear facing, of course!) car seat, and she is very happy to be out of her cramped infant seat. Also, in last months update, I said she wasn't crawling yet, so she decided to show me and crawled for the first time about two hours after the post was live. Go figure, right?! About two weeks ago she started pulling herself up on absolutely everything as well, so needless to say she's been fun but exhausting! I'm constantly chasing her and getting her down from precarious places, but she cracks me up with her determination. Her little crawl is adorable; she stomps her hands as hard as she can and babbles everywhere she goes. She says "mama", "baba", "dada" and "dog". We are also working on clapping and waving, and she's starting to get the hang of them!

Natalie is completely off purees now, and has decided to eat whatever we eat. She feeds herself at every meal, and it's been so fun to let her try new things. Her favorites are noodles/pasta, chicken, cheese, broccoli, green beans, cheerios, and carrots. I plan on letting her try a few new things at Thanksgiving and I'm really excited about it!

The sleep department has been hit or miss the past few weeks. I finally got her in to a sleep sack and out of the Merlin's sleep suit because she was rolling over in it. Since being in a sleep sack, she's decided that she's a tummy sleeper, which she likes a lot better, but she's missing the cozy security of the sleep suit. That, along with her teething, has made for some sleepless nights, but I think (and hope!) it's getting better.  


As far as fun adventures go, this month we celebrated Natalie's first Halloween. We dressed her up as the sweetest little black cat, and she had so much fun getting pulled around in the wagon shaking her little pumpkin bucket while big sis trick-or-treated. (I can't wait 'til next year when she can join her!) 

A week after Halloween, we (finally!) moved in to our new house, so Natalie's little world has been kind of chaotic as we get settled in. She's a trooper, though, and has adjusted quite well. We more than doubled our square footage, so she's been having a blast crawling and exploring all over the place. A baby gate on the playroom entrance will be happening promptly. ;)

 I am so excited to spend next couple of months celebrating the rest of Peanut's first holidays! The fact that we will be celebrating her first birthday in just 3 short months is blowing my mind, and I want to soak in every moment. 

Mommy loves you, my Natty Lou!

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