Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas 2018

You know what's more fun than being a kid on Christmas morning and more fun than having a kid of your own on Christmas morning?! Having two kids and a niece on Christmas morning! The paper flying, the squeals of joy, the was seriously the best!

Now that we have a house big enough, we hosted both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day this year. Christmas Eve we had Brian's family over all day and we all just relaxed and hung out. Brian's parents gave the girls a Nugget for their playroom, and it was definitely the hit gift of the day! 

After everyone left, Baylee could not wait to put cookies & milk out for Santa and go to bed. I have never seen her more excited to sleep in my life! Also, funny story, we left the cookies and carrots for the reindeer on the hearth of the fireplace and took Baylee upstairs to tuck her in to bed. When we got back down the plate was empty, but Santa had not come yet. Let's just say our cocker spaniel, Stella, definitely got coal in her stocking.

My sisters and their families came later that night to stay over. The next morning, the kids slept in past 7:00 (what?!) so all the adults got to be awake and caffeinated before the craziness. Once more of my family came to the house, we were already starving, so we went against our normal tradition of diving right into presents, and enjoyed a breakfast of cinnamon rolls, eggs, and bacon first. After we were all fed, the kids went nuts under the tree! I wish I had taken a good picture of just how crazy presents for 3 kids and 8 adults looked! Such a fun sight!

We must have had a trio of nice girls this year, because Santa definitely delivered! We spent the rest of the day hanging out and letting the girls play with their new toys. We had a lasagna, salad, and garlic bread for dinner, and a delicious homemade cheesecake for dessert. It was absolutely one of the best Christmases ever, and I will never forget how blessed I felt to be celebrating it in our new home!

From our family to yours, we hope you all had a magical Christmas!

And now, the countdown to 2019 begins! 



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