Sunday, December 9, 2018

Ten Months With Natalie!

Just two short months, and this sweet girl will be one! This has seriously been the fastest year of my life, but I have loved every minute. For Baylee's 10 month update, I started doing a stats list, so I figured I would do the same for Natty Lou!

Age: 10 months
Weight: 19.5 lbs
Height: 27 inches
Clothing size: 12 months
Teeth: still toothless!
Favorite foods: pasta, peas, cheese, eggs, and yogurt
Words: dada, mama, baba, & dog
Favorite activities: playing with all the toys in the playroom, bath time, and pretty much anything big sis does
Least favorite activites: getting her nose wiped or something she's holding taken away
Favorite toys: books, play kitchen food, baby dolls, and all her teething toys
Signature moves: grabbing as much fur as she can on our cocker spaniel's back and shaking it while she screams "dog, dog!", crawling as fast as lightning when she sees a gate open or if she gets caught with something she shouldn't have, picking up the dogs water and dumping it out at least once a day

Sissy has been having so much fun exploring our new house over the last month. There are so many places to crawl, and so much to get in to! She absolutely adores playing with her toys in the playroom.

She also got to have her first couple of visits to the local indoor playground. Anywhere she can crawl around and go crazy is her jam!

This month was definitely filled with "firsts". Natalie had so much fun at her first Thanksgiving and grubbed down on all the food!  

We decorated the house for Christmas, so Natty got to experience decorating her first Christmas tree. It's been so much fun to watch her get so excited about all the sights and sounds of Christmas time!

We went to Disneyland to see all of their Christmas decor, and it was the first time I've seen Natalie get super excited about being there. Small World was definitely her favorite, she was dancing and laughing the whole ride! 

Last, but not least, we took our first Christmas pictures as a family of 4! I will be doing a blog post this week so you all can see how amazing they turned out, but here's a sneak shot of Natalie that I am obsessed with!

I am so excited to celebrate Natalie's last two first holidays over the next month, and then we will be full force in first birthday prep! 

 I love you so much, Peanut! I can't believe how big you're getting!


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