Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Eleven Months With Natalie!

I am waist deep in 1st birthday party planning for my Peanut, and I can't even believe it! Seriously, this was the fastest year ever and it breaks my heart. I love watching her become a toddler right before my eyes, but there's a part of me that sometimes aches to do this year over again. She's been the sweetest baby, and I will always miss her tiny snuggles and quiet mannerisms. Time, you thief, you.

Age: 11 months
Weight: 20 lbs
Height: 27 inches (last time I checked...she might be more now)
Clothing size: 12 months
Teeth: 2! 1 fully in and 1 that just cut yesterday! Finally!
Favorite foods: cheerios, pasta, carrots, peas, cheese, eggs, and yogurt
Words: dada, mama, baba, sissy (ti-tay) & dog (Natalie is definitely not as much of a talker as Baylee was)
Favorite activities: pulling herself to a stand on everything in sight, taking all the tupperware out of my cabinet, bath time, eating, and playing with Baylee
Least favorite activites: getting out of the bath tub or having her face wiped
Favorite toys: activity table, her fishbowl, and her llama
Signature moves: crawling around the island in the kitchen as fast as she can to chase Bay, splashing in the dog water, twerking to any and all good beats

Natalie got to celebrate her first Christmas this month, and as I recapped in my Christmas post, she had a blast! First Christmases are seriously the best!

She has been enjoying all her new toys she received, but her favorite by far is her activity table. She also loves her llama that we have named "Sweet Llama". She snuggles her when she is tired and it's the cutest thing. Also, she randomly has decided that her paci is life, and I'm not even mad about it. #paciloversunite

It's been so much fun watching her relationship with Baylee develop as she grows. They are starting to become best friends, and they want to be around each other all day. My Mama heart can't even handle what sweet sisters they are!


Oh, my Natty Lou, how are you going to be one?!
Your love of the dogs water bowl runs deep, but not as deep as my love for you! I can't wait to celebrate your next month, my sweet baby!


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