Monday, July 15, 2019

Happy 5th Birthday, Baylee!


My big girl is 5! This has been such a fun year watching Baylee grow and really become her own little person! She is one smart cookie, and can already write all her letters and numbers from memory and can sound out words to read. She is obsessed with dinosaurs, My Little Pony, Disney Princesses & L.O.L. Dolls. But my favorite thing, by far, about Baylee has to be her imagination. She comes up with the greatest stories and games, and her pretend play is so entertaining to watch! She's also the best big sister and big cousin, always keeping Natalie and Kennedy under her wing and teaching them what she knows. :) And keeping in tradition, here is her birthday interview:

Baylee's 5th Birthday Interview

Favorite color?: pink & blue
Favorite toy?: my pinkie pie pony
Favorite food?: chicken nuggets
Favorite TV show?: Octonauts
Favorite game?: Pretty Pretty Princess
Favorite snack?: spinach (its true the kid eats spinach and lettuce in baggies like they're chips!)
Favorite animal?: dog
Favorite song?: “H.O.L.Y” -Florida Georgia Line
Favorite book?: “Goodnight, Marines"
Best Friend?: Sophie, Kassidy, & Maci
Favorite Cereal?: Frosted Mini Wheats
Favorite thing to do outside?: ride my bike
Favorite drink?: lemonade
Favorite holiday?: Halloween & Christmas
What toy do you take to bed with you at night?: Kitty Cat
Favorite movie?: Hercules
Favorite place to go?: Disneyland 

As I am writing this, my girl is at her very first day of Kindergarten! I can't wait to pick her up and hear all about her day!
 Happy Birthday, my Baylee! 
I love you to the moon and back!

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