Sunday, November 3, 2019

Halloween 2019

October flew by so fast; I can hardly believe that Halloween is already over! We had such a fun month, though, and our amazing Halloween wrapped it up perfectly. Baylee had school, of course, and since her school does not allow them to have a Halloween party, I decided to send her with a festive lunch (which she loved!)

Once I got back from dropping off Baylee, I came home and made funfetti pancakes for Natalie and my niece Kennedy. They were so excited! We watched some Halloween cartoons, danced to some Halloween music, and played until it was time for lunch. I attempted mummy hot dogs and they turned out horrible (haha) but the girls ate them up!

We got a big surprise that Brian would be coming home after being on shift for 10 days due to the fires out here in California. Since we were saving his pumpkin just in case he made it home, he picked up Baylee from school a couple hours early so that the two of them could have time to carve it! Baylee was absolutely stoked that Daddy made it home in time for Halloween! 

After carving, we all got ready in our costumes so that we could take some pictures before we headed over to my cousins' house for their annual Halloween get together and trick-or-treating! This year, we were a family of vampires and a baby bat, which was so fun and easy! But I have to say that Kennedy dressed as Britney Spears stole the show! ;) 

At my cousins' house we had chili, cornbread, and salad for dinner, followed by so many sweets for dessert. I wanted to bring something completely new this year, so I made a graveyard trifle. It was an absolute hit, and so stinkin' cute! 

The kids all had the best time trick-or-treating! There was 6 of them total, and now that they are all old enough to run around and go door to door it's the most fun ever! It broke my heart a little that Baylee no longer needs me to hold her hand and walk up with her anymore, but I loved watching her have the time of her life. Natalie got the hang of it by the third house and was holding up her pumpkin bucket as high as she could to get her treats. Both Natalie and Kennedy were mind blown that we were letting them have candy...I think they have a new favorite holiday! ;)

And now the Halloween decor is all packed up and the Christmas decor is making its way in to my house! I am more excited than ever for this holiday season...I can't wait to experience it through the eyes of both my girls and my niece! Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!


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