Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Pay It Forward This Holiday Season!

Happy Giving Tuesday! Every year I make a list of ways to pay it forward during the holiday season, so in honor of this day, I thought I would share my list with you! Also, I would love to hear your ideas, so I can continue adding to the list.

1. Leave treats and/or water in your mailbox with a note thanking your mail carrier for all their hard work.
2. Pay for the person behind you in the Starbucks drive-thru.
3. Take blankets to a local animal shelter. 
4. Donate gently used clothes, books, and toys to a homeless shelter or goodwill.
5. Take a new unwrapped toy to a Toys For Tots donation spot. (Click here to find your local donation center) 
6. Bake holiday cookies and other treats, package them up, and deliver them to your neighbors. 
7. Participate in Operation Christmas Child by filling a shoe box with toys and toiletries. 
8. Pay a compliment to a random stranger.
9. Donate money to your favorite non-profit organization.
10. Leave a more generous tip than you normally would for your server at a restaurant.
11. Go out of your way to thank someone who is usually underappreciated (a grocery store clerk, custodian, garbage truck driver, etc.)
12. Donate food to a church food drive.
13. Hold the door open for someone, even if you are in a rush. 
14. Let someone go ahead of you in line at a store.
15. Take a "thank you" note and some treats to a local fire station or police station.
16. Leave a bag of quarters at a vending machine or laundromat with a note saying "This one is on me!"
17. Take a friend or relative out to lunch "just because".
18. Bring treats to a local hospital for the doctors and nurses.
19. Write a positive review for a small shop or business.
20. Leave a gas gift card at a gas pump. 

If you do anything on this list, please let me know, I would love to hear your stories! Also, like I said, comment with your favorite random acts of kindness, and I will add them as honorable mentions to this list. :)  

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