Sunday, February 9, 2020

Natalie’s Two Year Update!

And just like that, my tiny little peanut is 2! It’s hard to believe how quickly time has flown, but here we are! She has gotten to be so silly, so sassy, and so much fun! I don’t care what anyone says, give me ALL the two-year-olds! Natalie is so smart, and talks like a little parrot all day long. She is starting to learn her colors and numbers, and is learning to sing all her favorite songs. (“The Itsy Bitsy Spider” is her jam right now.) She can point out hearts and stars, knows animals and what sounds they make, and knows where most of her body parts are! She loves to dance and is already Disney obsessed like her mama and big sis. Her favorite characters are Olaf, Elsa, & Ariel.

Natalie has a heart of gold, and loves being surrounded by people. She hates goodbyes, loves to go places, and is usually a very friendly and happy girl! She’s a mama’s girl to a fault and wants me to hold her or to be as near to me as possible 75% of the time.

Age: 2
Weight: 25 lbs
Height: 33 inches
Clothing size: 24 months/2T
Teeth: She finally cut the rest, so we are just waiting on 2 year molars!
Favorite foods: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, oatmeal, apples, bananas, pasta, cheese, & chicken nuggets
Words: We’ve graduated to full sentences, and her little voice is just so cute! My favorite words that she says in a funny way, though are: “ducks”=stuck, “huss up”=get up/stand up, “soon”=spoon
Favorite activities: dancing, eating (90% of the time), playing outside, & going “bye bye in da carsss”
Least favorite activites: Natalie is honestly pretty chill, but she hates being told “no”. She often ignores being told not to do something, and then throws a tantrum when she gets a time-out or something taken away. She’s super easy to distract though, so I can’t help but laugh when she just changes the subject.
Favorite toys: Every toy in her sister’s room (haha), baby dolls, the play kitchen, mega blocks, Little People, and any kind of art supplies
Signature moves: walking in to a room where Baylee and Kennedy are and saying “Hi guys!”, shouting “Dis is fun!” when she is enjoying whatever we are doing, saying “No dank you...I don wanna...” anytime she is asked if she wants to go potty on the toilet.

I love this girl more than I could ever explain! She adds so much joy and light to our days! Happy Birthday, precious Natty Lou! I hope your day was as magical as you!

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