Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Seven Month Bumpdate

How far along: 7 months (28 weeks 4 days)
Weight gain: 10 pounds
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: flat as a pancake!
Sleep: Sleep is getting to be hit or miss. Some nights I knock, and others I’m tossing and turning.
Best moment this month: Seeing our sweet girl on a 3D/4D scan! She’s so stinking cute and looks just like Natty!
Worst moment this month: The back pain and indigestion are getting out of control
Miss anything: Mostly just my body being my own. I love and am so happy that I’m pregnant again, but my body just doesn’t handle it well.
Movement: All day every day! She rarely stops lol
Cravings: Eggo waffles with peanuts butter and honey, iced coffee, and egg & cheese burritos
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nothing makes me nauseous, but almost everything gives me indigestion even with taking meds every day
Looking forward to: Having another scan done at the hospital this week to find out what is going on with my placenta. We should be able to make the call based on that whether I can have a vaginal birth or have to have a c-section. 

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