Tuesday, May 13, 2014

27 Week Bump-date!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day...I know I did! I wasn't expecting anything, but of course my wonderful hubby and daddy blessed me with flowers and love! It felt so nice to be appreciated. :) We also got to spend a lot of much needed time with our families, which is definitely one of our top priorities, so it was a really nice weekend. I love this point my husband and I have reached in life where family time means everything to us...we have so much to be thankful for!

Well, it's official! I have reached my 3rd and FINAL trimester of pregnancy! Oh. Em. Gee. In just a couple of months I will be full term and then its up to Baby Girl to decide on the date of her debut! I am soooo excited, but I feel like time is just flying by now and we still have so much to do to prepare for her! We still haven't finished the nursery yet and I have quite a lot of deep cleaning to do! Luckily, my nesting has started pretty hard core! LoL I have never had such an intense desire for everything around me to be clean in my life! I guess its good that it gets done now, though, before I am too big to care! Hahaha!

How far along: 27 weeks
Gender: Girl

Weight gain: 25 pounds...woah mama! lol
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: Out!

Sleep: If I look tired in my bump pic this week, it's because I AM! LoL I've been having back and hip pain in the middle of the night that's keeping me tossing and turning...which with my big belly is more like a turtle on it's back trying to flip over!
Best moment this week: Finally got an appointment with my new doctor and I absolutely love her! I am very excited to be delivering my little one at the hospital that I was born at, and that my mom is a nurse at! It just makes it so special! :)
Worst moment this week: Baby kicked me HARD in the bladder in the car one day...I'll leave what happened next to your imagination! ;)
Miss anything: Coffee...oh, glorious coffee!
Movement: Mover and shaker! Baby girl is starting to make it very clear to Mama that she is already running out of room!
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: Our hospital tour is this weekend! Wow! I can't believe it!
Weekly Wisdom: Don't be afraid to switch doctors during pregnancy if you're not 100% satisfied with the care you are receiving. This is such an important time, and you deserve to be happy and comfortable with your medical team!

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