Monday, May 19, 2014

28 Week Bump-date!

So, other than my nesting instincts going on overdrive, this week was pretty uneventful. :) My new routine is that I have to wake up, eat breakfast, and immediately start cleaning the house before I can relax! Anyone who knows me knows this is completely out of my norm! lol I've always been a pretty clean person, but it's never been a top priority to me. Although, it's been very nice to constantly have a clean house...I'm hoping this new habit of mine sticks now that I'm going to be a stay at home mommy! Brian even got in on it yesterday and shampooed the carpets and the couch! Yessss! Only thing is, the dreaded feet and hand swelling has begun (the wedding rings have officially been replaced by bigger cheapy sad!) so I have to make sure I don't over-do it!

How far along: 28 weeks
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: 25 pounds...didn't gain any weight this week! :)
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: Outie!
Sleep: Getting up to pee 4 times a night and having craaaaazy dreams...other than that sleeping pretty good! lol 
Best moment this week: We went on our hospital tour! It was so exciting to be walking around the place where we will be going to have our little girl in a couple of months!
Worst moment this week: Pretty much anytime I have to bend over to pick up something is the worst moment of my life! LoL
Miss anything: Everything that gives me heartburn that I've had to add to my "Nope" list including: O.J., tomatoes, avocados, and chocolate....ughhhh...pass the tums!
Movement: Lots of it! Less kicks now and more rolls. I can feel her drag her knees and elbows across my stomach...such a funny feeling!
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: Babymoon in 10 days! Eeeeep! I can't wait to find out where we are going!
Weekly Wisdom: We learned a lot on our hospital tour, I definitely suggest doing one at the beginning of your 3rd trimester just to be on the safe side!

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