Sunday, May 25, 2014

29 Week Bump-date!

Well it's officially summertime up here in the High Desert and I'm definitely feeling it! Haha! This is going to be a long, sweaty summer! My toes look like vienna sausages and my fingers are so swollen that the wedding rings had to come off. :( Boo. We got a cheapy set, but I miss my rings! 
It feels so good to finally be in the home stretch! Time seems to be moving faster these days since we have been so busy! I'm so happy and excited to meet baby girl in just a couple of months!

How far along: 29 weeks
Gender: Girl

Weight gain: 27 pounds
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: Outie!
Sleep: Sleeping well...its been a little more humid than usual up here in the desert so that's helped with my congestion and breathing a lot!

Best moment this week: Doc said everything looks great at our last appointment, but decided to do a "dating scan" just to get a better idea of our due date, so I get to see lil one in another ultrasound on June 10th! I can't wait to see how big she is!
Worst moment this week: Realizing I'm already growing out of my maternity clothes and I still have, give or take, 10 weeks left! Oh man...
Miss anything: My old clothes and having more outfit choices...oh, and not feeling like a whale! LoL
Movement: Haha yep! Especially "Oh you're laying down to sleep, mom? Okay...I'll do a tap dance on your ribcage!" LoL She never fails...
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: Babymoon in 4 days! I'm so excited for alone time with the hubbz!
Weekly Wisdom: Get a birthing ball! I got one and I love the pressure it relieves off my back! I'm totally going to use it when I'm in labor!

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