Monday, June 2, 2014

30 Week Bump-date!

So, we just got back from our "Babymoon" in Catalina yesterday, and had sooo much fun! We layed out on the beach, did some shop browsing, and went out to dinner two nights in a row! Woah! LoL But the best part was just being there doing anything with my hubby. I really didn't realize how much Brian and I  needed that alone time to relax and rejuvenate. My husband is so amazing! I'm so thankful that he worked so hard and did so much research to make this little trip possible and affordable. He really does appreciate me and treats me like a princess! :)
Now that we are home, it's time to go full speed ahead! We are super busy over the next two months and then baby will be here! Oh man! Now that it's June, Brian looked at me last night and said "We're going to have a baby next month!" I went wide-eyed and said "Oh my God....we are!" Hahaha Funny how I feel like I've been pregnant forever, and now that the time is actually drawing near I feel like we still have so much to do and zero time to do it! LoL 

How far along: 30 weeks
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: 29 pounds ( clearly I'm going to go over my original "goal weight" of only gaining 30 pounds! Damn ice cream! Maybe
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: Outie!
Sleep: Sleep is my BFF...I love naps and bedtime!
Best moment this week: Spending time with my husband takes the cake! I love traveling with him! Every trip we've been on we stay so relaxed and never argue about anything and it just makes it so enjoyable! :)
Worst moment this week: My belly is starting to get super heavy, so walking around is pretty killer on my back.
Miss anything: I would have given a limb to have a margarita this weekend!
Movement: Oh yes...and I can tell she's just getting bigger and bigger! She's running out of womb!
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: All the fun things we have planned for June! Starting with the Mt Baldy pancake breakfast...yum!
Weekly Wisdom: I don't care what they the ice cream! No regrets! LoL

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