Tuesday, June 24, 2014

33 Week Bump-date!

I had my baby shower this weekend and it was truly a wonderful day! My sister, Nicole, my Dad and my Nanny and Papa really outdid themselves to make the day so special for Brian and me! The theme was pink and grey elephants, and we had more food and fun than I could have ever dreamed of. I still can't believe how spoiled our little girl already is! We got almost all the major stuff off of our registry, and she seriously already has more clothes than I do! LoL Thank you to everyone who shared this special time with truly meant a lot to have you all there! And it gets real! We are quickly coming up to "Baby Watch" time!

How far along: 33 weeks
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: 33 pounds at my last appointment...probably more now with all the leftover cake I've been eating! LoL
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: Still having a rough time at night getting comfortable, and I'm tired allllll the time.
Best moment this week: Revealing baby girl's name at our shower! I love being able to call her by name now instead of just saying "the baby". I think I might wait a while before I make it blog official, though! ;) Hehehe
Worst moment this week: The dreaded peeing every half hour has begun...I'm seriously contemplating a catheter! LoL
Miss anything: I've had a hankering for coffee all week...*sigh*
Movement: Oh yes...tiny dancer is definitely getting cramped in there!
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery! Now that we have all her stuff I can't wait to get it all together and ready for her homecoming.
Weekly Wisdom: Having a co-ed shower was amazing! I feel like "women only" showers can get so stuffy and boring. We had a nice, laid back evening and the men in the family gave the party a little more life and humor! :)

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