Sunday, June 29, 2014

34 Week Bump-date!

Well this week quickly did a turn around from fairly uneventful to totally game changing on Thursday when I started showing some imminent labor signs! I called  my doc and she said that since I was almost 35 weeks she wasn't too worried, but that she would prefer we keep her in a little longer. Soooo, now I'm on "modified bedrest" which basically means no heavy lifting, no long walks, and lots and lots of water. And you know what? I suck at it! LoL There are so many things I wanted to do before she got here that I now have to put off and I'm sooo over asking people to do things for me! I'm nesting like crazy so it's killing me to not be able to finish her nursery like I wanted to :( Oh, well! She's clearly going to take after her Mama and do what she wants when she wants to! I guess I have to admire her for that! ;) So I am now 35 weeks and we are officially on "baby watch"! Oh. Em. Gee! However, keep your fingers crossed that we can get her to bake for at least 3 more weeks!!! 

How far along: 34 weeks
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: 33 pounds as far as I know...I have an appt on Thursday and will find out!
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: Awful! I wake up to turn over or go pee like every hour. :(
Best moment this week: Picking out her first outfits that she will wear to pack in our hospital bag! Eeeep! I can't wait to dress her up!
Worst moment this week: The realization that I'm going to really do this and probably sooner than later. Holy crap. Am I ready for this?!?
Miss anything: I've needed a beer in a serious way this week! lol
Movement: Yep yep! She's making her way down!
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: Meeting baby girl! I can't believe how close we are now!
Weekly Wisdom: Don't be afraid to call your doc at anytime! I called her at like 8pm and she really set my mind at ease that what is happening is normal and we can totally make it through this!

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