Sunday, July 6, 2014

35 Week Bump-date!

So, after being on a few days of my "modified bed rest", I was at home alone laying on the bed when...omg...did my water just break or did I just pee myself?! I really wasn't sure, so I called my doc, who said that just to be on the safe side, we should probably head down to labor and delivery. I called Brian and he was on his way to get me quick style! We got to L&D to find out that my water had not broken (yup...peed myself *face palm*) but that I was in fact having contractions 2-4 mins apart and was already dilated to a one! Oh man...I couldn't believe it! They ended up keeping me for 6 hours for observation, and after checking me multiple times I wasn't making any progress, so we got sent home. I was given nurse's orders to be on strict bed rest until further notice. Ugh. It was a miserable 3.5 days, but then I went to my appointment with my doctor who told me that bed rest was unnecessary and probably would just make me even more miserable. Woohoo! I was so excited to be back to normal, that I probably definitely overdid it cleaning and getting last minute things ready for baby girl's arrival! Two days later (last night actually lol) the steady contractions came back. I timed them with my app and they were about 5 mins apart and painful, but nothing I couldn't handle. We had plans to have dinner with Brian's parents, so I decided we should just go as planned and then, if need be, we would already be down the mountain and closer to the hospital. After dinner the contractions got pretty intense, so we decided to go over to my grandparent's house to keep walking and contraction counting. Once we were about 4 hours in the contractions started to come 2-3 mins apart and were making me keel over in pain! It was definitely time to go! We got to L&D and they checked me and I was still only at a one! Talk about disappointment! The nurses reminded me that it was still pretty early to be having her, so lack of progress was probably better. My contractions slowed down a little from laying down (5-7 mins apart), so they decided to keep me for a few more hours to monitor me and put me on an IV drip. After about 4 hours they checked me again and I did dilate to a two, but the doctor said to go ahead and send me home to get rest. Of course the contractions lasted all night, so I didn't get much rest, but I'm definitely still preggo! On a good note, baby girl is doing amazing! So, basically I could have her any day, or she could decide that she's actually still cozy in there and hang out for a few more weeks! Only time will tell, and we are definitely on God's time for this one! :)

How far along: 35 weeks
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: 35 pounds
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: Ugh...worst sleep of my life!
Best moment this week: Seeing a preview of how great Brian is going to be when the day does finally come! He has been so amazingly supportive!
Worst moment this week: The 10 hours total spent in triage at L&D weren't exactly fun lol
Miss anything: Clothes that fit! I'm growing out of all my maternity stuff!
Movement: Yep...she's still a little happy camper!
Anything make you queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: Go time! I only wish we had a countdown! Haha
Weekly Wisdom: Listen to your body...even though we had two false alarms, both times we left the hospital very glad that we went in. Better to be safe than sorry!

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