Wednesday, October 15, 2014

3 Months With Baylee!

Today Miss Priss is 3 months old! Her little personality shines more and more each day. She is still a super cuddly girl who loves to be loved on, but has no problem letting you know when she needs some space. I love that about independent woman in the making. She's gurgling and cooing like crazy, and, my favorite, she "oohs" and "ahhs" while music is playing like she is singing along. Soooo cute! :) She's a country girl just like her mama!

We are soooo excited that it's finally fall...which means Baylee gets to celebrate her first holiday ever, Halloween! And for Mama fall means baking, Soup Sundays, and unhealthy amounts of pumpkin spice coffee! Yay! Now if only the weather out here in Cali would wake up and realize it's autumn.

Baylee doesn't have her next doctor's appointment until the end of the month, so I don't know all her precise stats, but when I got on the scale with her she added 12 pounds. Holy chubs! That means she's already almost doubled her birth weight. As for her hobbies lately, we still enjoy playing with the play gym; only now it's more intense. LoL She swats at the toys and pulls on them, and when she hits it so hard that it makes the "boing boing" noise, oh, she is just so pleased with herself!

 She also likes cuddle time in bed with Mama in the mornings before we fully "wake up". :)

Her favorite toy is still her bear. She snuggles it and chews on his ears and nose...freaking adorable! She smiles and gets all giddy when she sees me coming with him. She's obsessed! (Shout out to her Godfather Joseph! He gave it as a baby shower gift.)

We are also becoming pro-status at bubble blowing (raspberries)...drool city over here!

Her new favorite thing is taking selfies! It cracks me up! She could seriously look at herself on my phone for hours. She also loves to watch videos of herself over and kid's not vain at all! :'o)

I just can not explain how much I love being that little girl's Mama! I feel like I finally woke up and life has so much more meaning now. :) What did I ever do before her?

 Well, we are all geared up and ready for Halloween in the Tibbetts' house...decorations are up and can't wait to post pics of Baylee in her costume! I have a special post in mind for this weekend first though, so until then...Happy Fall and Happy Haunting! ;)

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