Saturday, October 18, 2014

Our Love Story

 Today I have been married to the love of my life for one year! Since this blog has centered pretty much 100% around Baylee, I figured our first wedding anniversary was a great time to document where the love that created her all began! :)

Brian and I first met at the wedding of my best friend and his brother, Jenny and Phil Tibbetts. We met and talked a bit, but nothing really spectacular happened. That day, as fate would have it, I caught Jenny's bouquet and Brian caught the garter. We thought nothing of it at the time and years later even forgot that it had happened!

Brian was enlisted in the Marine Corps and stationed in Hawaii at the time, so we only saw each other on the rare occasion that he would come home on leave. We usually both already had significant others, so, again, thought nothing of it. Then one leave block in September 2011 we were both unattached. We hung out at the Mt Baldy lodge with a big group of friends and family, and it was that night that I realized I had feelings for him. Through a series of events we ended up talking/texting on the phone for a couple of months. During one conversation, Brian jokingly said "You should come out here to Hawaii." Little did he know, I was just crazy enough to do it. I booked a ticket and on November 10, 2011 flew out to the Marine Corps base on Oahu.

I ended up staying out there for about 4 months, and during that time we had an absolute blast together! We went on some adventures and I made some great friends. It didn't take long at all for us to fall in love. :)

Some of my first nights on base:

Thanksgiving at Chili's with the Fulchers:

The beach on base:

Christmas and New Year's Eve with the Furlongs:

Working on Brian's 1955 Ford F100:

My Dad came to visit us at KBay:

We rented a pontoon and took it out to the sandbar:

And did some beach camping:

Other random pics from Hawaii:

It was definitely an adventure, but it went by too fast. Brian was honorably discharged while I was there, so it was time for me to come home. He had to hang back and finish his truck so that it could be shipped. We were separated for 5 months. It was the longest 5 months of my life waiting for him to come home. I missed him so much it hurt. We were finally reunited in August 2012 and immediately started out our life together. We knew this was a forever love. Then, in January 2013 Brian popped the question at Disneyland, and, of course, I said "YES!!!"

We immediately started wedding planning and set our date for October 18, 2013. We were wed in Mt Baldy church and then partied all night long at a reception hall in Upland. It was an absolutely gorgeous day that I will never forget.

After our wedding we proceeded to have the most amazing honeymoon ever! My aunt hooked us up with the presidential suite at the Marriott in Anaheim on our wedding night, and then the next morning we went to Disneyland. That night we flew red eye to Jamaica and spent the next 5 days lounging on beaches and drinking rum. It was spectacular and absolutely worth every penny!

About a week after we got home, we moved into our new house and around 3 weeks later found out that the best thing in the world was about to happen to us...we were preggo with our little princess! We couldn't believe that it happened so fast, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Baylee has been our best adventure of all, and we are so happy that she is a product of our love. :)

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