Saturday, December 27, 2014

Baylee's First Christmas!

 Baylee's first Christmas was a huge success! We managed to be able to spend time with all of our family and she made out like a bandit with all her cute toys and clothes! She looked pretty dang adorable too! ;)

We started on December 23rd and she got to open the first of her gifts from her Nonna and we had our annual cookie baking day at our house! It was so nice to have some girl time and to enjoy some sweet treats!

The next day we did Christmas Eve at Nanny and Papa's (my grandparents) which has become a fun tradition! Baylee got to try hummus and crackers for the first time and opened more presents. She got her walker which she absolutely looooves! It's going to be a life saver when Mama needs to get some stuff done at the house! :) It was a nice, relaxed day spending time with family and just hanging out.

 The next morning we did breakfast and opened presents with Brian's family! Santa definitely made a pitstop and the kiddos all got spoiled! Baylee got to meet her cousins Rachel and Danielle for the first time, and got to see her Aunt Tina who she hadn't seen since she was three weeks old. The girls were so cute all together.

 After a delicious breakfast of eggs, bacon, potatoes o'brien, and cinnamon rolls; we went to my Dad's house for Christmas dinner and even more presents ( kid is spoiled lol). It was a nice chill evening with my Dad and sisters. Dad made lasagna and ham with all the fixins, and we had apple pie and ice cream for dessert! Baylee got a swing for the tree in our front yard from her Mimi and Dad got her a high chair which she loved so much that she decided to kiss the box! LOL We spent the rest of the evening watching movies, drinking wine (well Brian and my Dad were lol) and playing with Brian's RC helicopter (a GREAT husband gift BTW keeps him very entertained! ha).

 In all it was a wonderful Christmas and went by way too fast! I can't wait until next Christmas when Baylee is running around like the crazy little 17 month old that she will be! Now we are looking forward to a new year, I know 2015 holds great things for The Tibbetts'. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Enjoy the rest of 2014 and have a Happy New Year! XoXo

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