Monday, January 5, 2015

3 to 6 Month Must Haves!

 It's about to be Baylee's 1/2 birthday in a little over a week, so it's time to update you on my 3 to 6 month old must haves! If you missed the newborn to 3 month post, click here to read it! :)

After a while, Baylee started getting too big to carry in our Moby Wrap. She started to not really care for how confining it was unless she was tired, so out came our Infantino Fusion Baby Carrier. I freaking love this thing! It is so comfortable and baby can face out or in. We use it for every shopping trip and outing we go on and she becomes an instant happy camper the minute she is inside it. The best part is that it's masculine enough for Daddy to wear her too. They love the bonding time, and Mama's back gets a!

2. Bumbo

This has seriously got to be the greatest baby invention since the pacifier! I read mixed reviews, but after some thought (and curiosity) I decided that we needed to give it a try. So, Aunt Jenny gifted it to us when Baylee was about 3 1/2 months old (Thank you, Auntie!) and the thing was an instant hit with her! She absolutely loved being able to see the world from a different perspective, and I'm honestly convinced it helped strengthen her back and neck muscles for sitting up. She started to sit up unassisted right before she turned 5 months old, which is fairly early, and I think we have the Bumbo to thank for that! Also, it helped for starting to feed her solids at 4 1/2 months. We didn't have a high chair yet, so we just strapped her in the Bumbo and sat her on the kitchen table, and it worked like a charm. :)

Deciding to start Baylee on solids was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. I did hours upon hours of research (when I should have been sleeping...ha!) and got the "okay" from her pediatrician to start her at 4 1/2 months. I was so torn. On one hand, there is so much evidence out there to show that introducing solids to your baby too early can cause food allergies, on the other hand, my kid was HUNGRY! As an exclusive pumper, this made it very difficult because she was wanting more milk than I could produce. When she started drinking 40 ounces a day (waaaaaay more than she needs) I decided it was time. Rice cereal is basically crap, so I knew that we didn't even want to try it...there's literally no nutritional value what-so-ever. So, we found the Gerber Oatmeal. Its seriously perfect. She loves it. We love it. Happiness all around! It also comes in many flavors, which has been kind of fun now that she's older. She has the oatmeal twice a day, and it has helped her milk intake go down to about 24 to 28 ounces. Much better!

As soon as your little one gets that "hand-mouth" coordination down, these are the bomb! We like to put chunks of apples in it and she goes to town sucking all the yummy juice out. You can also put in pears, frozen breast milk or formula, or even just an ice cube. They're super easy to clean too.

She's the most expensive baby toy on the planet, but now I totally understand why. Besides being undeniably adorable, she's filled with baby crack! Hahaha! I kid...but seriously something about this giraffe makes babies fall in love. Baylee loves to teethe on her face and gets so happy when I hand Sophie to her. She's made of soft rubber and she squeaks...what more could a baby want?! If you have a baby and you don't have a Sophie yet, just suck it up and spend the $25.00. I promise she's worth it!

Yes, it's $40.00 and looks ridiculous, but I'm telling works! Baylee was the swaddle queen. She loves to feel secure when she sleeps, but she was getting too big for all her swaddle blankets. Once she was strong enough, she would burst through the velcro and wake herself up. This was the start of many sleepless nights. I finally came across the magic sleep suit, and read how many positive reviews it had. Out of hitting my "I'll seriously try ANYTHING" breaking point, I ordered one. She has slept in it every night since. I kid you not, I zip this child up and she turns her head to the side and knocks out immediately. Amen to that! I'm seriously dreading the day when she doesn't fit in it anymore because I have no idea what we're going to do instead...

 How my baby is old enough for a sippy cup now, I will never understand; but she is, and the Playtex Training Sippy is the BEST! She got the hang of it the very first time she used it, and has fallen so deeply in love with it that she gets mad when we take it away. We only give her water in it since it's just for fun and learning. The tip of the sippy is soft and almost bottle nipple like, so I think that's why it's so learner-friendly. The pack comes with another cup that has a straw, but we put that up for safe keeping...we're not quite there yet! ;) 

Hope this list helps everyone with little ones in this age range! I know the next list for 6 to 9 months is going to be a whole 'nother ballgame! Come back on the 15th to hear all about how we're celebrating Miss Baylee's 1/2 birthday! XoXo

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