Thursday, January 15, 2015

6 Months With Baylee!

Today is Princess Baylee's 1/2 birthday!!! How can it be that my sweet little newborn is suddenly a half of a year old and a crazy babbling, grubbing, playing machine?! These past 6 months have been so much fun and I know the next 6 will be even better as she learns to crawl, talk, and walk! I'm looking forward to every little milestone that's coming our way. :)

This month Baylee has been enjoying eating big girl food in her high chair! Originally we were going to go 100% on the Baby Led Weaning route, (No eats what adults eat.) however, at her 6 month check up she had gained so much weight that she went from the 20th percentile at her 4 month check up all the way to the 60th percentile! She weighs 17 little chunk! So, her pediatrician decided that it was time for her to get 2 to 3 meals of solids every day. We were already giving her oatmeal once or twice a day, but I figured that was going to get old for her real quick. So, that's when I decided that it wouldn't hurt to have a meal or two of pureed veggies or fruit every day. So far we have tried green beans, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, pears, and peaches. She has days where she goes crazy and can't get enough, and then there are those picky days where she's just not in the mood. We are totally winging this by trial and error, but so far it seems to be working out. She finally dropped down to only one night feed every night so that's good enough for this mama!

Along with the purees and oatmeal, I still wanted to try the Baby Led Weaning just so that she can get used to food having all kinds of tastes and textures. BLW is more for fun rather than nutrition, and most of it ends up getting eaten by the cocker spaniel below her high chair, but she loves it! We have tried bananas, toast, waffles, green beans, broccoli, yogurt, white potato, peaches, and turkey. She always has the most hysterical look on her face when sampling something for the first time. Her favorite things so far are the waffles and green beans. I never would have thought in a million years that you could give a baby with no teeth solid food, but it really does work! I can tell that it's making her take huge strides in her hand-eye coordination as well, so that's definitely a plus! We love BLW so far!

Oh, and a tip I learned was to always have water handy to help wash the food down. She still uses her sippy, but I thought it might be fun to introduce an actual "cup". We have plastic red solo cup shot glasses and they are just her size! How redneck can we get right? ;)

"Red Solo cup...Mom fills you up...then I go potty...proceed to potty..." Hehehe

Speaking of the cocker spaniel, Baylee is absolutely OBSESSED with Stella these days. Everytime she sees her she giggles and smiles and reaches her hands out to touch Stella or to let her lick her hands. (Ew...we wash up after, don't worry lol) Whenever she can get her close enough, she grabs her fur in both hands and tries to eat it. Its so gross, but I can't help but laugh. I'm so happy with what a good dog Stella turned out to be. She truly adores Baylee's company, and I know they're going to be best friends.

Baylee is also completely sitting up on her own now! It's still so amazing to me to watch her play sitting up like a big girl. She has started to babble "dadada", "mamama", and "bababa" so we spend a lot of time pointing out simple objects like "dog", "ball", and "bottle". I know before long that first word is going to pop out! Brian brought home the Baby Einstein DVD's for her. At first I was a little skeptical. I mean, she's only 6 months old...she literally has the attention span of a goldfish. Surprisingly, though, she loves to watch the videos. The bright colors and happy music are pretty cute, so I can see how it would be appealing to her. I don't want her to get too much TV time though since she's still so young, so we just watch one DVD every morning. It keeps her entertained while I make my breakfast and her bottle, so in my opinion its a win!

Pretty girl also was very brave and got her ears pierced as a Christmas gift from her Mimi (Godmother). She did so well, and looks stinkin adorable with earrings!

In other news, the blog is officially a year old! It's so crazy to me that an entire year has gone by since my first blog post announcing my pregnancy. Time really does fly when you're a Mama!

Well thats about it for this month! We have some fun things planned for Baylee in the coming weeks including a trip up to Northern California to see her Great Grandpa and some Valentine's Day festivities!    Until next month, I leave you with one last pic of my precious big girl!  XoXoXo

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