Friday, May 15, 2015

10 Months With Baylee!

So, this morning I got my sweet girl out of her crib with tears in my eyes because she is just. so. big! Our first year together is almost over, and I can hardly believe it. This little princess is so smart, so funny, and more loved than she will ever be able to imagine!

Now that she's really coming in to her own personality, I figured it was time to add some stats to her updates! :)

Age: 10 months
Weight: 21 lbs
Height: 27 inches
Clothing size: 12 months
Teeth: 2 on the bottom
Favorite foods: blueberries, wheat toast, kiwi, peas, carrots, broccoli, yogurt, cheese, and pasta
Words: dada, mama, baba, dog, duck, and turtle
Favorite activities: playing with pots and pans, petting dogs (poor Stella lol), bath time, and anything that involves food
Least favorite activites: getting in her car seat and having her face wiped off
Favorite toys: all of her stuffed animals and her toothbrush...she won't let me take it away and crawls around with it in her hand all day! 
Signature moves: crawling as fast as she can and then looking back to see if you're chasing her, shaking the baby gates, and booty dropping when she hears a song she likes (baby girl gets down!)

She really is becoming miss personality! She can stand on her own for a few seconds now and is getting soooo close to taking her first step. I told her not to rush, though, because Mama doesn't know if she's ready to chase around a walking tot! ;)

We did a few Disney trips this month, and taking her there is getting more and more fun. Whenever we go she is happy and content the whole day (as long as she has a tray full of snacks of course). Her Mimi and I took her to the petting zoo and she was so excited to see all the "dahhhg"s. Try convincing her that they're really goats...I dare you! ;)

Having my little Disney-loving girl is so precious and special to me! It makes me so happy to see that huge smile on her face!

By far the most exciting thing to happen to our little family, though was on April 22nd when Miss Adalyn Sage came into the world! I was so blessed to be able to be there for her birth, and it was one of the most intense and most beautiful experiences of my life. Long story short, Addy wasn't budging past her mama's pelvic bone, and with her heart rate dropping things started to get a little scary. The doctor made the call to vacuum her out, and (praise God!) it worked. She literally popped out in all her 6 lb 13 oz 20 inch long glory! Now she is 3 weeks old and her and my sister-in-law, Jenny are doing great!!! I am so happy to have a new niece, and Baylee already adores her cousin. She gives her the sweetest kisses and gets so worried when she cries...they are going to be the best of friends for sure!

Adalyn Sage, your Auntie Ashlee loves you so much! You are absolutely perfect and I am so blessed to be your aunt. I will always be here for you forever and ever! Xo

Only 2 more months and my baby girl will be celebrating her 1st birthday. It feels like just yesterday she was as tiny as Addy, and yet I can hardly remember it! Time is such a funny thing! I leave you with some pictures of my growing, silly girl! 

Until next time! XoXoXo

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