Monday, May 11, 2015

My First Mother's Day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! My weekend was nice and relaxing, and so fun that I kept forgetting to take pictures for the blog! Oops. It's okay, though, my first Mother's Day was definitely very memorable. I am one blessed Mama! :)

Sometimes I still can't believe that I'm this little one's Mama Bear! (Totally in love with my shirt...Etsy of course!) I kept thinking all day long about the day she came in to the world and how full my heart was. I didn't think I could love her more, but I was oh, so wrong. Every day I fall more in love with that sweet, silly girl and her mischievous grin that looks just like her Daddy's. She has given life so much meaning and purpose, and I will be forever indebted to God for trusting me to raise her! Miss Baylee, you are Mommy's world and I love you so much! <3

Our weekend actually started on Friday because my wonderful husband, knowing that he had to go to a clinical for his EMT class on Sunday, decided to take Friday off. He took care of Baylee all day long so that I could just do the things I needed to do. Along with taking a very needed nap and a nice long shower, I also cleaned the whole house! I know it doesn't seem very relaxing, but it really was. I love having a clean house even if its just for a few hours before my two tornadoes of a kid and hubby destroy it again! ;) I even got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed all my tile floors! Go me! It was so cute watching Brian hang out with Baylee all day. They even went to Target to shop and brought me back some Starbucks! They're the sweetest.

On Saturday we woke up bright and early and drove out to Oak Glen to meet up with Brian's parents for breakfast. I splurged and had apple pancakes, which were amazing, and Baylee did her best to decorate the floor with her breakfast! It was totally freezing, and getting close to Baylee's nap time so she didn't last very long, but I was glad we got to visit Brian's mom. After we left, Baylee knocked out in the car for an hour and we drove to my grandparents house where we had some mimosas and tacos for lunch! We also got a visit from my sister-in-law and my still very new baby niece, so I was a happy camper with my newborn snuggles! (She even christened me with one of the gnarliest baby spit-ups ever...Addy you got Auntie good, girl! Hehehe) When we got home that afternoon, Brian gave me my Mother's Day present. I was totally caught off guard with how sweet and thoughtful it was. He made me a shadow box of all of Baylee's newborn memorabilia. I cried my eyes out like the total sap that I am! It was the best gift ever besides Baylee herself. He even did a kick ass wrapping job! Kudos babe! Love you!

On Sunday Baylee and I had a nice slow morning. I fed her her morning bottle and then she snuggled and watched her Baby Einstein video with me for a good 20 minutes. It was just what I needed. :) Thanks for the gift, sweet love. After she ate her breakfast, we hopped in to the car to pick up my Mom and sisters to go to Disneyland! It was absolutely crazy because we totally didn't realize it was the same day as the Tinkerbell Half Marathon, but we enjoyed ourselves none-the-less! We got Mexican food at Rancho de Zocalo for lunch, and then took Baylee on the Winnie-the-Pooh ride (which she looooves!). It was a pretty warm day, so we decided that pineapple whip was a necessity next. Yum! We hung out at a table in the shade for a while, and then decided that we were all pretty over the crowds, so we headed home. So glad we went, though, it was a very magical day for sure!

Baylee's Nonna showing her the turtles!

Mommy, daughter, sister day!

3 generations!

Baylee and her Auntie!

Baylee and her Mimi!

After Disneyland Baylee and I just had a quiet night at home. It was a great way to end my day with the girl who made me a Mommy! 

I hope all you Mamas out there felt celebrated and appreciated this weekend! You are all amazing and so very wonderful for taking on the adventure of motherhood. :) 

Until next time! XoXoXo

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