Friday, May 29, 2015

Sweet Summertime "Friday Favorites"

So, I decided that it was about time I added some "Friday Favorites" to the blog! I am going to try to have a new list every week with a theme! In honor of our first (of many to come!) 95 plus degree weekend up here in the desert, I have sweet summertime on the brain. I am so excited for swim days and water play with Baylee. I know my girl is going to have a blast this summer!

Here are my top five favorites that we either have already or are looking at purchasing to get baby girl through summer! 

We had a few random really hot days, so we have been able to take Baylee swimming a couple of times already. These swim diapers are incredible. I don't know what kind of crazy scientific materials go into them, but they don't swell up with water at all! So, she will be wearing these for all of our swim days and beach trips for sure!

There is a ton of fancy sunscreens out there for kids, but I will always stay true to my Coppertone Water Babies. It's what my Mom used on me, and it's what I use for Baylee. Fail proof! You can purchase it in a lotion and also a stick (perfect for faces), but my favorite is the spray. It's a lot less messy and makes application quick for wiggle worm tots.

We go swimming mostly at my Grandparents' pool, so my Nanny (Grandma) just picked this up for Baylee. We haven't used it yet, but I love it already. It's adorable, doesn't take up a lot of space, and the canopy has SPF protection. I seriously can't wait for Baylee to use it because I know she is going to have a blast floating around. My kid loves water!

Since we don't have a pool, we are definitely in the market for a cute kiddie pool for those hot summer days. So far, I think this one is the winner. I love that it has a little shaded area, and that its inflatable for easy storage. I feel like the normal plastic pools are just so bulky and annoying. Plus, we can take this one to the beach with us and fill it up with some ocean water for Baylee to splash in. How fun!!!

I can't wait to get this mold and give Baylee her first popsicle. I plan on freezing some apple or pear juice in it and just letting her go to town. I know she's going to go crazy! I love that it's the perfect size for little hands so she can feed it to herself. :)

This summer is going to be a blast! 
What are your favorite items to help baby have the best summer ever?

Until next time! XoXoXo

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