Friday, June 19, 2015

11 Months With Baylee!

Sorry that the blog has been crazy quiet for the past three weeks! We have been busy little bees over here, and then I left my phone with all my pictures on it on a plane and it flew to Sacramento without me! So not cool.... We are back in business now, though and even though this post is a few days late I am officially the Mama of an 11 month old! How is this possible?!

My sweet girl turned 11 months on Monday, and my goodness is she growing up! 

Age: 11 months
Weight: 21 lbs
Height: 27 inches
Clothing size: 12 months
Teeth: Two on the bottom and two on the top! She also has two more top ones about to pop through any day so we are going to be a six-toother by her first birthday! So cute!
Favorite foods: wheat toast with peanut butter, blueberries, frozen peas, grapes (sliced), broccoli, and chicken
Words: dada, mama, baba, dog, duck, turtle, thank you (tank-oo), grandpa (gampa) , auntie (a-ti-ti), and papa
Favorite activities: swimming in the pool, playing inside her toybox (literally inside lol), dancing, and climbing on eeeeeverything
Least favorite activites: getting cleaned up or strapped into anything 
Favorite toys: books and stuffed animals
Signature moves: she just learned how to clap so dancing and clapping are her favorite thing ever! She also can put her arms in the air and yell "blast off!" like they do on Little Einsteins...although it sounds more like "da daaaaa!"

We have had a lot of fun this month watching Baylee develop and experience new things. Still no walking, but as I mentioned above she is climbing on everything like a jungle woman. This kid is fearless and going to give me a heart attack!

She has no desire to take those first steps though! LoL

We finished off May continuing our annual tradition of going to Disneyland on Memorial Day for the Flag Retreat Ceremony. It's very patriotic, and we love to go and support our Red, White, and Blue and keep the memory alive of the brave men and women who passed on defending our wonderful country. Baylee was, of course, a big hit and all decked out...our little patriotic princess! :)

We also took my niece, Adalyn to Disneyland for her first time at 6 weeks old! She wore the same Minnie Mouse onesie that Baylee wore for her first time there at around the same adorable! These kiddos are going to be running around the park like crazies before we know it. It's so special to get to share one of our favorite places with them.

My "girl-mom" heart went pitter patter the day that I realized I could finally put pig-tails in Baylee's hair! It's one of the cutest things I've ever seen, and I love it because her hair is forever in her face and looking very cave woman. I just can't get over her little curls that are coming in!

Oh, and the most exciting part about pig-tails? Best. Bed-head. Ever.

We have been practicing eating with bowls and spoons. She hasn't completely gotten the hang of it yet, but she's getting there. It really makes for some great pictures that will surely be submitted to her yearbook Senior year! :)

After spending the last 8 months trying to arrange it, we finally had Baylee baptized in the Catholic Church on June 11th. It was a beautiful, private ceremony, and I could not have been happier with the way the day turned out. She is so blessed to have my sister, Nicole, and my cousin, Joseph, as her amazing Godparents. I know they are going to love and lead her in Christ her whole life. My heart was absolutely swelling with pride and joy for her! It was a very special day for sure!

Last weekend, we took Baylee on her first airplane! We flew to San Francisco for my cousins wedding. Although it was chaotic and kind of intense for Baylee to be off her schedule, we all had fun and got to spend some much needed time with family who we never get to see. 

Our first flight was amazing, and kiddo slept the whole time. I was so excited, and definitely not complaining about the hour of cuddles!

It turns out that Baylee adores hotel beds just like her Mama. In fact, she slept in the bed with us the whole weekend. Nothing like a baby foot to the eye at 2:00am when you're sound asleep! ;) She was a very good girl during the times we were in the hotel, though, and mostly just flopped around the comfy bed and watched cartoons...and apparently played with Gatorade bottles.

We got to enjoy the city on Friday, and then on Saturday we took a drive out to Napa to pick up some wine that my Dad really likes. It was a nice calm drive and Baylee slept both ways! Yes!!! The winery we stopped at was absolutely gorgeous, and we let Baylee crawl around in the grass for a while. She loved every minute of it.

That night was the wedding on a boat in San Francisco Bay. My cousin looked completely beautiful and sooo happy! They are going to have a great life together, I can tell! :) We had a fun night eating great food, dancing, and of course taking a few shots! Baylee enjoyed showing everyone her newly acquired spoon skills by putting her cereal puff on the spoon and then feeding herself with it! It was hilarious!

I could tell she was so tired, but the girl trooped out until we made it back to the car at around 10:30 that night. She knocked out until the next morning. We didn't have a flight until that evening, so we spent some time in the city having clam chowder and brownie sundaes at Ghiradelli. I always forget how much I love San Fran until I'm there again! 

The flight home was not as peachy as the flight there. We were delayed an hour and it was already past Baylee's bedtime, so she was getting cranky and crazy. I tried to keep her busy however I could. You want to unpack the diaper bag and crawl around the dirty airport floor? Go for it! lol And then she flailed on my lap and screamed the whole flight. So not fun. That, accompanied with me leaving my phone on the plane, made me never want to travel with her again. In hindsight, though, I think she did great for her age, and it really wasn't that bad. 

This week we have been catching up on sleep, and getting ready for Baylee's first birthday next month. It's so surreal that I will have a toddler in just a few weeks!  

I leave you with a picture of my girl looking, oh, so grown up! :)

Until next time! XoXoXo

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