Wednesday, July 22, 2015

12 Months With Baylee!

So, with all the birthday festivities, it's a little late, but here is Baylee's 12 month update! I can't believe this is our last white blanket picture and our last monthly update! (I'll continue to do them, but in 3 month increments now.)

Age: 12 months
Weight: 22 lbs
Height: 28 inches 
Clothing size: 12 months
Teeth: Six total. Four up top and two on the bottom. Loving her new toothy grin!
Favorite foods: blueberries, frozen peas, sliced grapes, broccoli, and turkey...oh, and she has a new found love of rice lol
Words: same as last month, but we've added "flower" (fow-er), "done", and "eyes"
Favorite activities: climbing up on the couch and bouncing on all the cushions, cruising around the room and attempting to take steps, eating, eating, and eating
Least favorite activites: letting anyone hold her except Mama when she's tired or crabby and having something taken away that she shouldn't have
Favorite toys: Discovery House, water table, stuffed animals, and her baby doll
Signature moves: "step, step, plop", pushing her high chair tray and yelling "dooooone!" when she thinks she's had enough food, waving "hello" and "goodbye" 5 minutes after we've walked away from the person

This kid is getting to be so much fun! She can say so many words now, but has definitely put talking on the back burner in her new efforts toward walking. Three days before her birthday, Brian and I were playing around with Baylee on the floor. I was holding her and said, "Okay now take your first steps to Daddy!" and she did! We were both stunned! I'm so glad that Brian was there to see her walk for the first time. Since then she has taken steps here and there, but hasn't built up the confidence to really walk. I'm predicting we'll have a walker around September. She can take her time, though...I know once she's walking it's a complete game changer!

Since her birthday, our living room has turned into a complete playroom with all of Baylee's new toys. (Anyone else have a list of things they swore would never happen when they had kids that actually happened anyway?! lol) We got a lot of learning toys that keep her entertained for long periods of time. I'll be featuring a couple of them in my next "Must Haves" post. We have also been enjoying her new wagon. She loves to go for walks around the neighborhood in it and waves like she's on parade. Love her.

Her baby doll has been a constant companion lately. It's so cute the way she holds her and pats her head. It totally makes me want to make her a big sister....maybe someday! ;)

My mom taught Baylee how to do a "fishy face" during a recent Face Time session, and now she's can't stop! It's the cutest thing ever, and she's really getting the hang of it. I love this age and how she can copy everything we do. (Which means we really have to start watching what we do and say! Hah.) This is her doing the "fishy" during a Face Time with her Mimi. (Godmother)

I love this crazy, little monster more than ever! Having a toddler is the best, and I know she's going to get even more fun over the next year. 

Until next time! XoXoXo

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