Thursday, July 16, 2015

Happy 1st Birthday, Baylee!

Baylee's 1st birthday was an absolute blast! We started the morning by dumping pink and white balloons in her crib and singing "Happy Birthday" to her as soon as she woke up. She was super confused at first, but quickly realized that this was totally fun and started playing with all the balloons and flopping herself on top of them. She was having such a good time that she actually cried when I got her out of her crib! So funny!

We made some breakfast and then headed out to Disneyland! Halfway there we realized that we had forgotten our stroller, so thank goodness they have strollers available to rent for only $15. They're actually quite nice! My only complaints were that the undercarriage doesn't fit a whole lot and there aren't any cup holders...I'm just spoiled like that! ;)

We went to the guest service booth to get Baylee her birthday button, and the three cast members that were there thought she was just so cute that they fought over who could make her she ended up with three! It was very sweet of them, and was a great start to our day there.

Baylee was in a great mood, so we decided it would be a great time to take her on King Arthur's Carousel for her first time. She absolutely loved it! She was dancing and bouncing the whole time, and loved that her Daddy was riding on the horse right next to her! I was holding on to her in disbelief that my baby is now old enough to ride a pony on a carousel.

Auntie Jenny and Cousin Addy came and met up with us for lunch and to take some pictures in our Minnie ears! Of course neither kiddo would look at the camera and Baylee kept taking her ears off, so there are a lot of outtakes....but like we always say, its a memory! :) Us big kids had some margaritas after lunch, and then Miss Baylee passed out on Daddy in her carrier and slept for almost an hour. Addy wasn't having the best day, so Jenny headed home and we let Baylee sleep in one of the nice, dark, air conditioned buildings.

Once she woke up, my Dad met up with us for a bit, so we decided to play some of the Boardwalk Games. Baylee girl was spoiled and we won her a stuffed turtle, Timothy Mouse, and Dumbo! Stuffed animals are quickly becoming one of her favorite kind of toys, so she was stoked.

Grandpa headed home, so we got a snack and decided to wait in line to see the Disney Junior Live show. I was worried that she might still be a little too young for it, but this kid proved me wrong as usual! She recognized all the songs and characters and was dancing up a storm. She could not stop smiling and pointing, and I literally teared up because she was being so cute and big! She kept grabbing my face and kissing me as if to say "Thank you so much for bringing me here, Mommy!" I'm pretty sure it was the highlight of her day, and quite possibly her life! lol I guess it's time for me to look in to a "Mommy and Me" class.

After the show, Baylee was exhausted, so she knocked out in the stroller. We walked back over to Disneyland to let her get a solid nap and then went to the Hungry Bear for dinner. The Winnie the Pooh ride was right next door so after she woke up and ate her dinner, we took her on it and got some amazing family selfies (us-ies?) while waiting in line. Girly sure does have her Daddy's silly personality!

Baylee loved going on all of the rides, but sometimes the happiest time for a one-year-old is when you cave in and let them get on the ground and pick some Disney flowers through a fence! We've all done it, right?! lol

We went on the Jungle Cruise, and then decided that little one had had enough so we left. I can't think of a more fun way to have spent Baylee's first birthday; it was a day I will always remember and hold dear in my heart! How is my baby girl a big, crazy toddler?!

Until next time! XoXoXo

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