Monday, October 12, 2015

Baylee's 15 Month Update!

First order of business, as you can see, the blog got a much needed makeover! I was so over the pepto bismol pink, and I felt like it needed some simplicity. Also, "Tiny Baby Tibbetts" isn't such a tiny baby anymore, so we needed a new name. :) It's a work in progress for sure, but so far I am so happy with how it turned out.

Next, my little wild one is going to be 15 months old on Thursday and I can't even. She has just blossomed in to quite the little miss the last 3 months and it has been the time of our lives watching her learn and grow. This is definitely the most fun age yet!

Age: 15 months
Weight: 23 lbs (55th percentile)
Height: 29.5 inches (24th percentile)
Clothing size: Some 12 month stuff still fits her, but mostly 18 months
Teeth: Eight total. Four on top and four on the bottom!
Favorite foods: whole wheat eggo waffles with peanut butter, bananas, blueberries, peas, carrots, turkey, chicken, and bacon. We are still very lucky *knock on all the wood*, and she isn't much of a picky eater. She loves everything we have ever given her, but some days she eats more than others. It all depends on her mood.
Favorite Words: Baylee has a good 30 plus words now and is adding some every day like a little parrot! Her favorite things to say are: "bup" (cup), "dog", "rash" (trash...she loves to throw stuff away. Gotta watch that one!), "dank oo" (thank you) and "awwwff" (soft...when she's petting the dog...or your face). We also practice our animal sounds. She has dog "*pant* woof woof", owl "hoo hoo", and lion "raaaaaaaaah" down pat! :) 
Favorite activities: Walking around outside picking up rocks and leaves, wagon rides, going to the park, and hiding in the house to play "peek-a-boo"
Least favorite activites: The car seat, the high chair, the stroller...anything that keeps her from being a crazy toddler on the loose!
Favorite toys: All her books, all her stuffed animals, and her toy iphone 
Signature moves: Putting her phone up to her ear and saying "hiiiiiiiiiii" usually with a southern accent (don't ask me why), taking rags and rubbing the walls and floors (we start early in this family lol), pointing at the dogs and telling them to "dit" (sit),  and taking all her dirty clothes out of her hamper and putting them in her toy box.

We have so much fun together, and I love how lovey and cuddly she is! She's full of neck snuggles, hugs, and kisses, and has reached the age where she can cuddle on the couch at night and watch a Disney movie. It's so precious, but she's also a little cling monster. She loves to follow me wherever I go, and if she's tired or cranky she just wants to be held. All 23 pounds of her....I need a massage! ;)

She's sleeping from 8:00pm-8:00am regularly now with only a few 5:00am wake up calls here and there, but I give her a few ounces of milk in a bottle and she goes right back to sleep. Speaking of, we use a cup for water and juice, but we still use a bottle for milk. I don't have the heart to pull it from her just yet, and to be honest I haven't quite figured out my strategy on how to do so. Any suggestions or tips?

Baylee loves reading all her books, which makes me one happy Mama! Right now her favorites are "Brown Bear, Brown Bear", "10 Little Lady Bugs", and "Room on the Broom". I can't wait to get some Christmas books out and to add some new ones to our collection! I know she will love them.

It's been so fun to play and bond lately with my happy girl! She is so smart and blows my mind every day. She knows where the eyes, nose, ears, and mouth are on a face and can follow simple instructions like "go give this to daddy" or "go get your cup". Every time she does something new my heart just gushes. Today, she kicked a ball for the first time after we worked on it all weekend. The little things make me so proud! :)

I love this chick more than ever, and I am so excited to show her all the magic of the holidays over the next few months! It's going to be a blast!

Until next time! XoXoXo

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