Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Apple Season!

Growing up in a place like Southern California, where there are virtually no real "seasons", (i.e. We have experienced many an 80 degree Christmas. Rude.) you learn that sometimes you have to travel to get true seasonal experiences in life. This is where a place like Oak Glen comes in handy. It's the cutest little small town, known for its' apple orchards and handmade and home cooked wonderfulness! 

We decided to bring some Fall into our lives and paid Oak Glen a visit over the weekend. It was absolute down pour all day, so we didn't get to do all the things we wanted to do like apple picking, pay a visit the petting zoo, or shop at the handmade goods booths, but we still enjoyed ourselves! We started the day by meeting up with our friends and brother and sister-in-law (and my niece! yay!) and had lunch at Law's which is basically "grandma's kitchen" type food, oh so yummy and great prices. 

After lunch, we went to find our favorite apple donuts, but the place that sells them was closed! So sad. So, we hit up the bakery instead and I found a delicious "apple burrito" to indulge in. It's basically an apple turnover wrapped like a burrito, but it made it so much more fun and delicious to eat that way. We walked around all the indoor shops to stay out of the rain. Brian's parents own a Native American jewelry and artifact store there, so Baylee had fun toddling around the store with her Grandpa.

Once we had hit every shop, we decided to call it a day. I wish I had been able to take more pictures, because I didn't end up with any good ones of my niece or bro and sis. Boo. :( Hopefully next time we go, it won't be as rainy! 

Before we got on the road, we stopped with our friends, Amber and Jeff, at a little shop right outside the main town to buy some fresh pressed apple cider. I am so glad we went in, because it turned out to be the most fun and best photo ops of the day! 

They gave Baylee her own tiny little apple and she was in Heaven munching on it during our entire visit there. Just look at that grin she was giving her Daddy! :)

She also made friends with the stuffed bear up front. Mr. Bear got a wave, a hug, and a kiss. Lucky little bear!

We had a blast sampling all the preserves and butters (OMG apple pumpkin butter), and eating frozen cider pops. Just the ambiance of the place had me doing the Fall happy dance, and I wanted to eat apple everything. I am so inspired to make some yummy caramel apples at home now.

It ended up being a great day with great family and friends! I love that we have places like Oak Glen to go to that bring such simple joys, and that I now get to share it with the apple of my eye! :)

Until next time! XoXoXo

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