Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday Favorites: This Is Halloween!

This morning, I woke up, and before I even had a drop of coffee, I ran to the garage to drag out my bright orange Rubbermaid bin. Why? Because it's full of pumpkins and skulls and bats in all their glory, of course! Today is Halloween decorating day. :)  I always do the inside of the house, and Brian is the official grave digger and spider web hanger outside. Halloween is definitely one of my favorite holidays. I love the decor and colors, and the excitement of being able to be anyone or anything you choose for a night! Oh, and candy. Can't forget that! ;) Here are a few of my favorites for Halloween this year!

1. This Halloween tree and ornaments cost me a whole $6 at Target! The tree is in the dollar spot, and I found the mini ornaments on one of the shelves in the Halloween section. I love low cost decor that looks high end! (The pumpkin was $1 at the 99 Cent store.)

2. I haven't completely decided which cupcakes I want to make for Halloween yet, but these Skeleton Cupcakes totally caught my eye! They're adorable and look so easy to make.

3. This fellow mom blogger has a list of all the Halloween movies and shows on Netflix for both kids and adults. We are going to have fun going through this as we wait for the 13 Nights of Halloween on ABC Family!

4. All the Halloween clothes are on sale or clearance at Carter's. I can't wait to put this shirt on my sweet little witch. ;) And this skeleton shirt is too cute for those of you with boys. So jealous that it glows in the dark!

5. I like to get Halloween costumes from So far, they are the cheapest I've found that are still good quality. I can't wait to get Baylee in her costume this year! 

Hope this helps get you all in the Halloween spirit! My little pumpkin is already enjoying herself. Happy first weekend of October everyone!

 Until next time! XoXoXo

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