Friday, October 23, 2015

Fun At the Pumpkin Patch!

Yesterday, we took Baylee to the pumpkin patch for her first time. To say she had a blast is a complete understatement! This kid was covered in dirt from head to toe when we were done, and had a huge grin to match! :)

 The place we went to had so many pumpkins that it was almost overwhelming. Baylee was beyond excited, and as soon as I put her down, she took off in to the field of orange "balls"! ;) 

We let her run around and touch everything. True toddler heaven. She was shrieking with delight and beating on all the pumpkins like drums. It was absolutely hysterical.

Someone had formed some pumpkins into an Instagram-worthy heart, so you know I couldn't resist sticking my kid in the middle. :)

We played some more, and Daddy showed her how to stack two pumpkins. She was very impressed. 

After a couple of mommy-and-me shots, it was time to get down to business. Brian was very particular about his pumpkin picking, so I told him to pick one for me too. Baylee knew exactly which one she wanted...and it was just her size!

We also couldn't leave without letting Baylee see the cows (animals are always her highlight of any trip), and taking our pictures in the face-cut-out board! Silliness is next to Godliness right?

We found a smaller kids pumpkin patch next to the cows that had a bunch of tiny pumpkins, so before we called it a day we let Baylee run around a bit more and pick up all the little pumpkins. It also made for a perfect family photo op.

Baylee saw our pumpkins when she woke up this morning and was excited all over again! We have been working on saying "pumpkin" all far, we have "bump". I'll take it! :)

Until next time! XoXoXo

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you let Nicole drive the farm Truck... LOL...
    Looks like Baylee was busy and had a BLAST.....

    Nice little Family you have there Ya'll..... Love, Papa
