Monday, October 19, 2015

Two Years of Love!

This past weekend, Brian and I celebrated our two year wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe that two years have already gone by since that wonderful day! We are so very blessed! :)

In lieu of gifts this year, we decided to go do something fun together...just us. Although we go to Disneyland all the time, we never get to enjoy the big kid rides or night life, so we thought it would be fun to stay in a hotel down in Anaheim and take advantage of being kid-less at the parks! It was just like our dating days all over again, and I loved every single minute. 

We stayed at a small hotel walking distance from both parks. Once we got down there we had some time to kill before our reservation, so we got some wine, and then went on the two roller coasters inside California Adventure. It felt so good to be on rides faster than Fantasyland speed. ;)

Our reservations were for Ariel's Grotto. I have been wanting to eat there since it opened, so I was stoked! We were seated outside and had a spectacular view of Paradise Pier at sunset. We had the prettiest sourdough rolls I've ever seen, yummy drinks (Mai Tai! Woohoo!) and a 3 course meal. My true is absolutely amazing but a little overpriced, and the service sucked really bad for Disney. Maybe it was an off night for them? Either way, I'm glad I got to experience it, and eat enough Mahi Mahi that I felt like I needed a wheel chair! P.S. If anyone can tell me what that mystery veggie on my plate is, you get a gold star! I didn't have a chance to ask our server.

Dinner included VIP seating at the World of Color show, so after dinner we got a few more drinks and enjoyed some music at the Mad T Party before it was time to be seated. I hadn't seen WOC in a good 5 years, so it was a completely new show and very well done! I'm not going to lie, I teared up a bit with the Walt Disney tributes...I'm such a sap. :) 

California Adventure was closed once the show ended, so we ran over to Disneyland to do one last ride. What do you choose at 11:00pm on a humid night? Splash Mountain, of course! 

The next morning was our actual anniversary. We woke up bright and early to go have breakfast at Disneyland. We were exhausted, but once we had pancakes and caffeine, it was time to bust out as many big kid rides as we possibly could. The park was so busy, though that we only managed to go on Space Mountain and Indiana Jones! A nice couple walked by us and gave us their fast passes to Haunted Mansion Holiday, so we went on that before we decided to bounce out. The crowd was crazy and we missed our girl something fierce!

After we picked up Baylee and went home, we spent the rest of the day relaxing. We BBQed burgers for dinner, and continued the tradition of drinking out of our toasting glasses from our wedding. This year, hard apple cider was our champagne. :)

We definitely had a wonderful weekend. I'm so very lucky to have a hubby who loves me so much and is also my best friend! 

Cheers to you, my's to two years down and forever to go! 

Until next time! XoXoXo


  1. That was a GREAT Story... It was like reading a Dickens short story, Just couldn't stop reading and didn't want it to end... You two are such a wonderful couple, We really enjoyed our time with "Busy Baylee". We wish you many many more years of happiness, you are right it goes by sooooo fast , you will be at 25 before you know it and wondering where the time went ....Love you all, Papa and Nanny

  2. Happy Anniversary! And it was bok choy =)

    1. Awesome! Thank you Marga! It was delicious, but I had never had it before! :)
