Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Hiking We Will Go!

One of the things that Brian and I have always enjoyed doing as a couple is going hiking. He grew up in a local mountain village, so the outdoors is in his blood. I grew up visiting said mountain on a regular basis with my Papa, so I have a love for it too! We haven't been able to hike for a couple of years because of my sciatica issues, but now that my back has been doing much better I suggested we give it a shot. I truly forgot how much I missed it. :)

This was Baylee's first hike ever. We had a bit of a drive from our home to the hiking point, so once we got there she was absolutely stoked to be outside running around in the wilderness!

We let her be her silly self and pick up leaves and branches. She loved being a little mountain kid just like her daddy was! (Still is, maybe? ;) )

Once we figured she blew off enough steam, and to avoid the longest short hike ever, Brian put her in the carrier on his back. It'd been a while since anyone wore her like that, so I was concerned that she wouldn't take to it, but she loved being up high and seeing everything! She pointed out the trees and the "reefs" (leaves), and even serenaded us with some humming. (Singing gibberish is totally her new thing. lol) At the end of the hike is a small but beautiful waterfall, so we stopped to let Baylee do some exploring and touch the water.

I put a blanket down on a rock and we all enjoyed a snack before we headed back. It was such gorgeous scenery and some much needed family time away from the chaos of life. I really tried to soak in every quiet moment with my two favorite people. 

I wish we could do stuff like this every weekend. My hope is that one day we can live there or somewhere similar and really teach Baylee how to appreciate the beauty and serenity of the great outdoors. I think so many kids miss out on simple happiness being glued to their TVs or video games, and outings like this are good for the family and good for the soul...even when you're only one year old. :)

Until next time! XoXoXo

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