Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Today With Bay!

8:00 Good morning Baylee!

 8:02 I confiscate the paci stash. 

She always has 3 or 4 pacis in her crib at night. I have to swipe them and hide them in the morning or else she will find them and try to have one in her mouth all day. I don't think so kiddo.

8:05 1/2 Caff

I'm really trying to cut back on my caffeine intake. Trying.

8:15 Kissy comes to breakfast. 

Kissy is Baylee's stuffed dog that she is obsessed with. Recently, he goes everywhere with us. She hasn't started trying to take him to bed with her yet, but if she's awake Kissy isn't far away.

8:20 Peach oatmeal! Yum!

8:25 Five bites is enough, right mom? 

Someone got distracted by "Milnie" (Minnie Mouse) and decided breakfast was overrated and that playing was more important. 

8:40 Protein shake for Mama!

8:45 M-I-C-K-E-Y 

While I drink my shake, Baylee watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. In this picture she is telling me that she sees "dubbles" (bubbles) on the TV. And she's absolutely correct. ;)

9:45 Outside time!

After running around getting both of us ready for the day, I let her play outside for a bit before we went on our errands.

10:00 Mama's shopping buddy! Let's go!

10:20 Hobby Lobby 

11:00 Babies R Us 

Wait...what's missing?

11:03 Found Kissy in the parking lot.

He must have heard there was a Petsmart in the shopping center. 

12:30 Nap time=prayer and reading time!

Once we got home, I gave Baylee a bottle and we watched "Up" for a little while, then it was time for nap. I try to read my prayer book during nap time every day. It's relaxing to have a little quiet time with God, and more often than not the reading of the day is just what I needed to hear. :)

2:30 Baylee wakes up to a fresh and clean Kissy!

3:00 Lunch! 

I've been trying to fit Baylee's lunch in before her nap lately, but with how busy we were this morning it just didn't happen. So, late lunch it was! Today we had grilled chicken, green beans, and string cheese.

3:45 Playing at the park!

The weather was very nice today (about 70 degrees) so, after lunch we played at the park. I've been wanting to take Baylee's picture in this Baby Gap dress for forever, so I let her play with pine cones and we had a mini photo shoot! How I love taking pictures of my girl!

4:30 Tar-jay!

Our park is right across the street from Target, so after we were done playing we did our daily weekly Target run. ;)

The big white tree with all the silver and gold ornaments calls to me.

Oh, and I am completely obsessed with all the little felt ornaments this year! Heart eyes! Am I the only one who puts decorations on the little fake tree displays?

5:00 I literally went just for milk and Shout.

Oops. Don't tell hubby. 

5:15 Playtime in Baylee's room.

I watched her play while I put away laundry and set up our Hobby Lobby finds. Brian's rule is that I can't put up any Christmas decorations in the house until the day after Thanksgiving, but I figured Bay's room doesn't really count. Right?

Is this not the cutest mini tree ever?!

And we got a new Christmas book! I can't wait to read it to her.

The title is my sentiments exactly. ;)

6:15 Din din!

Mama got lazy and heated up more green beans and chicken. Baylee didn't notice.

6:45 Rubber Ducky, you're the one!

7:00 Happy Feet

Complete with a paci and a penguin to cuddle. :)

At 8:00 we read "Goodnight Moon" and put this day to bed.

Goodnight noises everywhere.


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