Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Happy List!

My poor Baylee has been a total grump-ness monster since she got her 15 month shots on Friday. She got her MMR, and was unlucky enough to get the side effects of a fever and a runny nose. Those two combined are not very fun for anyone, namely a toddler who is way to busy for that nonsense! It's also been chilly, so we have been mostly staying inside playing and cuddling and watching Disney movies this week (I may have snuck in one or two Christmas ones...shhhh, don't tell Brian! ;) ) Taking care of a little sicky-poo kiddo is enough to make any mama stir crazy and bummed, so I decided it was about time for another Happy List!

1. Cool weather! We had a hot weekend, but on Monday it finally cooled off! Right now it's only 43 degrees outside at my house and we have been rocking leggings and comfy socks! Woo hoo!

2. Christmas has hit Target! The dollar section has already been cleaned out by yours truly!

3. Thanksgiving decor is up and I love it so! As much as I can't wait for Christmas to come, I love seeing all the little reminders around my house that this is the season to be thankful.


4. Banana Pumkin Muffin perfection! I finally found the perfect recipe for banana pumpkin muffins. It's a super simple recipe, and they turn out delicious!


2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
2 bananas, mashed
1 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla


1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. Spray muffin tins with baking spray.
3. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and pumpkin pie spice.
4. In a separate bowl, combine bananas, pumpkin, oil, eggs, and vanilla until well blended.
5. Add wet ingredients to bowl of dry ingredients, gently folding until completely combined.
6. Fill muffin tin about 2/3 full and bake for about 11 minutes. 

This recipe yielded 18 muffins.

5. I picked up these holiday leggings for Baylee at Target yesterday, and I can't wait to find a shirt to match them! They also come in red and white stripes. Such a steal at only $6.00!

6. Holiday shirts are only $5 at Osh Kosh right now as "doorbusters"! They have a ton of cute ones for both boys and girls. (Can you tell I am in total Christmas prep mode???)

7. With the week I've had so far, I need this Honeycrisp Apple Sangria in my life. Stat. I am thinking about making it for Thanksgiving, or maybe just Saturday. ;)

8. This sweet little babe playing nicely and quietly with her Little People castle...I love the little imagination she's developing!

And with that, my friends, I bid you all a goodnight!

Until next time! XoXoXo

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear she is doing better, Really wasn't herself on Holloween and wasn't into playing much... Looks so sute in her Harley P J's . Can't wait to get her on that Bike.... Love to you all, Papa
