Sunday, November 1, 2015

This Is Halloween!

 Happy November 1st everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful, safe Halloween! Seeing my sweet girl dressed up as my favorite Disney character, Tinker Bell, was one of my many Mommy highlights for sure!

We started the day off with festive food for breakfast. I attempted to make jack-o-lantern waffles with orange batter and chocolate chips. I give myself an "A" for effort, but they didn't quite turn out like the vision in my head...maybe more chocolate chips next time! I also made sure I had my orange paper straw, of course!

 After breakfast, we had to run some errands to finish up our costumes. (I bought Baylee's, but I made mine and Brian's.) Baylee had just had her 15 month shots the day before, so she wasn't feeling too great. I couldn't even get her to smile to get a good picture of her in her Halloween outfit. Poor kiddo. We rushed and finished our shopping as quick as we could so that we could get home to put her down for a nap to avoid melt-down-city.

 After a nice 2 and a half hour nap, Baylee woke up and we had jack-o-lantern quesadillas for lunch! So cute and easy. Baylee even gave hers a kiss before gobbling him up! :)

 After lunch, I put Baylee's costume on her so I could take a few pictures at our house. She was in love with her tutu and kept dancing and fluffing it! My girly girl for sure!

 We met up with my bro and sis-in-law and my niece for dinner and trick-or-treating. It has been so much fun to get the girls together lately; they both just get cuter and cuter every day!

 Isn't Adalyn the most adorable little giraffe you've ever seen?!

It was a little early to trick-or-treat, so we took some family pics. I was so proud of how my Tiger Lily and Brian's Peter Pan costumes turned out! I hope Baylee lets us do family themed Halloweens for a few more years at least, because it's too much fun! :)

 We went to my grandparents house for some amazing chili and cornbread for dinner. Baylee was still a little crabby (notice the lack of smiles in all her pictures *sigh*) and didn't want to eat anything, so we decided it was time to distract her with some trick-or-treating. She did so great! We pulled the girls in the wagon, and took Baylee out at each door. She wasn't shy at all, and by the end of the night was getting the idea to hold her pumpkin out for a piece of candy. Too bad she's not old enough to eat it! ;) Precious Addy was all Halloweened out and knocked out in the wagon, so we headed back to the house to try some of my Halloween cupcakes.

 What a Halloween to remember! Even though Baylee didn't feel well from her shots, she really trooped out and made it a fun evening. She grows way too fast, but I'll never forget my little tinker fairy holding my hand and toddling around on her second Halloween. :)

 Until next time! XoXoXo

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