Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas 2015!

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. It was busy, busy, busy around here, but we made so many memories and were filled with joy and love! I can't even begin to start to put decorations away because I am so sad that this magical time of year is over. I'm already counting down the days until I can cover our house in hearts! ;)

Our festivities began on Christmas Eve morning with reindeer pancakes! I am notorious for flopping on my festive breakfasts, so I was so happy that these actually turned out adorable. Baylee was so excited, and, a girl of my own heart, ate the strawberry nose and chocolate chip eyes first.

 Brian took Baylee out to run some errands, so I could finish some present wrapping and cleaning, and then Baylee took a three hour nap! Woohoo! We all got ready and headed to my Nanny and Papa's house for some amazing food and family time. My Nanny outdid herself, as usual, and had a beautiful set up of prime rib and ham with all the fixin's. Yum! And I'm pretty sure I gained a pound and a half hovering over the dessert table all night.

Baylee was a show stopper in her red plaid Christmas dress, and thanks to the long, wonderful nap she took at home, had a total blast all evening. She was running around the house singing, giggling, and dancing, and when it came time to open her presents from Nanny and Papa, she was just the happiest kid around!

My sisters and I continued our Christmas Eve tradition of wearing our new pajamas from our Mom while we opened gifts. I love that some of our traditions will never die. :) 

After we finished opening gifts, it was starting to get late, so we headed back to my house to put Baylee to bed and give Santa a chance to come! On Christmas morning, Baylee was up by 8:00 am, and was one elated little girl when she saw what Santa had brought for her! 

My Dad got her a Cozy Coupe and I have barely been able to get the kid out of it for the past 4 days! She's in love with her little car! Every toy she opened got played with immediately, and clothes were called "cute!" and then thrown on the ground. Second Christmases are so much fun! ;)

After we opened presents, we had our traditional breakfast of cinnamon rolls, eggs, and bacon. Baylee wasn't a big fan of the cinnamon rolls (weirdo!) but she chowed down on some bacon and vanilla yogurt! We all took much needed naps, and then got ready for the surprise of the day!

My Dad got us tickets to go with him and my sisters to see Frozen On Ice. I knew Baylee would love it, because she adores the movie, but I had no idea just how in to it she would be! Besides killing it in her brand new Elsa dress, she was singing and dancing along, and didn't take her eyes off the show once. It was the cutest ever! 

After the show, we went back to my Dad's for dinner and MORE presents. Seriously, this kid has no idea how blessed she is! (Thank you so much, everyone! She also got presents from my Mom and Brian's parents too...we are going to be purging her old toys and clothes this week for sure!) We had lasagna (our Italian tradition) and ham for dinner, and ate until we thought we were going to pop. It was truly one of the best Christmases I have ever had! 

On our drive home that night, Brian and I realized that this was our 5th Christmas together. How time has flown! We are so lucky to have our daughter now, and to be able to watch the magic of Christmas through her eyes. There really is nothing more beautiful!

Until next time! XoXoXo


1 comment:

  1. Really got me with this one kiddo...What a wonderful Christmas we all had... and Lil Baylee is for sure the reason for the season... Love you all so much, Papa
