Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Merriest December!

Merry Christmas Eve Eve! I can't believe we are only 2 days away from Christmas! Has December flown by or what?! Sorry that the blog has been a little quiet, but we have been up to our eyebrows with a combo of Christmas fun and colds! 'Tis the season! :)

I thought I would do a quick post about all the fun things we have been up to the past couple of weeks. The Christmas season has been so much fun this year with Baylee! She doesn't completely get it yet, but she's figured out who Santa is and when she sees a picture of him anywhere she yells "Santa! HoHoHo!" She also does a mean duet with me to "Santa Baby" I go "Santa..." and she sings "babyyyyyy" and I sing "Hurry down the chimney..." and she sings "ah-niiiight!" which means "tonight" of course. It's the cutest ever. I have a feeling next year she'll be singing the whole song!

Baylee has been enjoying all of the Christmas decor in the house. Every morning she walks into our family room and says "Hi Twee!" to the Christmas tree and then proceeds to take off her favorite ornament; a ballet dancer that I've had since I was around 6. 

I've also been having so much fun dressing Baylee up in all of her festive outfits. I even found my Christmas dress and petticoat from my first Christmas, and couldn't resist putting them on her for a little iPhone photo shoot at home. They just don't make dresses like these anymore!

We did our last Disney trip of the year with Brian's parents last week, and had a blast as usual. We took Baylee one last time to Olaf's Snow Festival at California Adventure. She had so much fun playing in the snow. I can't wait to take her up to the mountains for some real snow play sometime soon.

Over the weekend we had our annual Christmas Pajama Party. It was probably the best yet! We ate my dad's home made pizza, drank rum and cokes and mistletoes (vanilla vodka, white cranberry juice, and sprite), and played the best round of white elephant ever. Oh, and the sweets! We had two kinds of brownies, classic puppy chow, peppermint puppy chow, ice cream, and all kinds of candy. Drunken sugar rush, anyone?

A big part of why the Christmas party is so fun is the games. We try to have new fun games to play every year and give out candy and gift cards as prizes. This year, we played the oven mitt present game where you have to unwrap a present that is wrapped in many layers of paper and boxes while wearing oven mitts. The catch is that you only get to keep unwrapping until another player rolls doubles with a set of dice. It gets pretty intense for sure! 

We also played "Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?", and, well...I'll let the pictures do the talking. :)

Our last game was the fiercest mini gingerbread house competition I've ever seen. And though they weren't quite Food Network worthy, I'd say everyone did a great job! 

After white elephant, we had a dance party in the kitchen with Baylee, and then everyone passed out on my guest bed, couch, floor etc. I woke up with a mean cold the next morning, but it was totally worth it. This years party will be tough to top next year!

Yesterday, we visited my Nana who is my great-grandma, so Baylee's great-great-grandma! It was so good to have some quality family time, and that sweet Christmas dress circa 1986 made another debut. I have pictures of me in it at that very same house, so it was giving me all the feels watching her toddle around in it and play with all of Nana's porcelain dolls just like I used to. We are so very blessed to have so many wonderful grandmas in our lives. :)

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and the fun will continue. I can hardly contain my excitement to share all the magic with my girl! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

Until next time! XoXoXo

1 comment:

  1. So sorry I missed the fun yesterday but am feeling a lot better todsay... we have that picture of you in that dress on the wall in the hall near our B R...
    Love you all... Papa
