Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Today With Bay!

7:30 Wake up, Mama!

I'll never understand why babies who are put to bed past their bed times wake up early the next day. Thank goodness for gingerbread coffee in festive mugs!

8:00 Breakfast of champs!

Baylee had peanut butter and jelly toast cut in to stars and some apple slices. I had an english muffin with slabs of butter, because, you know, who diets in December? ;)

8:05 I make my shopping list.

For the essentials, of course.

8:30 We're not moving.

I was going to get us ready and go run errands in the morning, but I saw that it was 30 degrees outside and was like "Nope!". So, we cuddled on the couch and watched Mickey Mouse instead. :)

8:45 Baba for life.

10:00 Playtime!

After watching TV for a while, we needed to get up and move our bodies. So, we went to Baylee's room to play with some of her toys.

11:00 Meltdown.

Nap anyone?

11:05 Relax on the couch.

11:30 Nap time! Woot!

P.S. We found Kissy Dog! Totally a long story for another blog post! ;)

12:00 Drink all the coffee. Wrap all the presents.

If I had known Baylee was going to take a 3 hour nap, I would have went back to bed instead!

2:30 Baylee (finally!) wakes up and has lunch.

Today's lunch menu was turkey, peas, and cottage cheese. (Rhyming not intended)

4:00 Go to Target!

Mama forgets to take pictures. Boo. :/

5:30 Home from Target. We don't mess around.

5:30 Dinner is served!

I made cream of mushroom chicken in the crock pot, rice pilaf, and broccoli. Yum!

6:00 Daddy's home!

Finally having Brian home every night has meant the world to us. :) 

6:30 Daddy has bath duty while I clean up.

6:45 Painting piggies by the fire.

7:00 Mama gets to relax.

Am I the only one who is obsessed with philosophy bubble baths?

7:30 Night baba time.

8:00 Reading books under the tree.

8:30 Bedtime for Baylee!

And she totally said "I lu loo." to her Daddy as I carried her down the hallway to her room. Be still my heart.

8:45 Snowbelle gets in to mischief as usual.

Goodnight, sleep tight!

Until next time! XoXoXo

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