Friday, January 15, 2016

Baylee's 18 Month Update!

 When the heck did my little monster get this huge?! This is, by far, the most fun age yet. I love that she can tell me what she needs ("eat!" "up!" "osh!"(off) "on!" etc.) and her little imagination is getting bigger every day. She loves to play with her babies and tells me when they "poop" and we change their diapers. Then they go "ni-night". She also pretends to make and eat soup with my tupperware and cleans the house with her little play vacuum. We are working on her picking up her toys in real life. ;)

We have done a few Disneyland trips and she is enjoying it so much more now! This kiddo loves her Minnie and it's been a blast to watch her dance and light up on all the rides.

Milestone wise, she feeds herself with a fork and spoon, and can eat snacks out of a small bowl without spilling and dumping it everywhere. She has started referring to herself by name and calls herself "Lee Lee" which I think is totally adorable! She had a few days of wanting to go potty on her big kid potty, and was doing such a great job, but then she got the stomach flu and it was all over. We haven't revisited it since, but when she's ready I don't think we will have a hard time at all. (Knock on all the wood!) She smiles and says "cheeeeeese!" although her "cheese face" looks more like shes really stressed out. She also is getting a longer attention span for her cartoons, which is nice, because every once in a while it gives me a chance to do the dishes or some laundry uninterrupted. Physically, she is running, dancing, climbing and hopping...I'm expecting a somersault any day!

Age: 18 months
Weight: 23 lbs
Height: 30 inches
Clothing size: 18 month
Teeth: 12 now! She had four molars come in!
Favorite foods: apples, bananas, and my little meatatarian will pretty much eat any meat I put in front of her! Shes not crazy about pasta or bread, but she'll eat pancakes and waffles for breakfast. She also loves yogurt and mostly all veggies! Yay!
Favorite Words: I can't even keep up with how much this kid is talking now! She is practically saying sentences (her first sentence was "Lou Lou eat nana" because she gave our cocker spaniel her banana!) and has no problem using words that she knows to ask for the things she wants and needs. She's a little parrot repeating everything I say right now!
Favorite activities: Bath time, dance parties with mom, playing with her babies, and rides in her wagon or toy car.
Least favorite activities: Stopping anything that's fun and being told "no". Full on meltdown status.
Favorite toys: All her Little People, baby dolls, stuffed animals, and her car. 
Signature moves: Doing the movements for "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes", Singing "Legooooooo" ("Let It Go")  when Frozen is on, rattling off the names of everyone in our family just because, and having facial expression wars with Daddy 

This sweet little kiddo has been the biggest blast lately! I can't believe she's 1 1/2 already...only 6 more months and I will have a 2 year old! What?!

In other news, this is my 100th post! The blog turned 2 on January 2nd and I am so happy that I have been able to keep it going. Thank you to all my guys are the best! With that being said, let me know if there's anything you'd like to see more of on the blog or any posts you would like to see! I love feedback!

Happy 1/2 birthday Princess Baylee! Mama loves you more than anything!!!

Until next time! XoXoXo

1 comment:

  1. Such a JOY to have around, little Miss personality and charm.... Love it when I wink at her and she winks back with both eyes, still working on it...
    Beautiful Tiny Dancer II....
