Monday, January 11, 2016

Snow Day!

This morning, my lovely child slept in until 8:30am because she was exhausted from having the best snow day ever yesterday! I really wish we got to have days like that more often, but then I suppose they wouldn't be as magical. :)

We got up bright and early, and started our trek to the local mountain where Brian grew up. The drive is around an hour and a half, so it's really not too bad. We picked up my sister, Nicole, and her boyfriend, Andrew, on the way and drove up to the ski lifts. This was Baylee's first time on the lift in the snow, and she was not a fan to say the least. The rule is two people per lift and even babies who lap sit count as a person. Since I'm already afraid of heights, Brian had to take her and the whole way up all I could hear from the gondola in front of me, were screams of "Mama! Mama! Mama!" Break my heart a little more, kid.

Once we got to the top, we stopped inside the ski hut to have some hot chocolate and warm up before we went back out to play. Thankfully, playing in the snow was a whole different ball game than riding the lifts. It turns out, my kid is obsessed with snow. She was running in it, rolling in it, digging in it, eating name it. It was so nice to be able to stand back and watch her go crazy and have the time of her life!

Of course, Mommy had to pause the fun so that we could get a few family shots in. ;)

The best snow play fail of the day was when Andrew and Nicole made (or found? I don't remember.) a snowball the size of a bowling ball. "Look what Mimi has!" Nicole yelled to Baylee and rolled it to her...which prompted Baylee to go full run right toward it. (Do you see where this is going?) Baylee couldn't stop fast enough and ran right into the huge snowball and rolled a half somersault right over it. Epic. I really wish I was recording instead of taking pics! Don't worry about the girl, though, it didn't phase her at all. She stood right back up and took the opportunity to use the big snowball to build a snowman. My little optimist. 

It was just a gorgeous, perfect day. I hope we get more snow days like this in before the winter ends. And next year, this adorable little snow bunny will be on her first set of skis! :)

Until next time! XoXoXo




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