Monday, January 25, 2016

Today With Bay!

7:30 Coffee in bed!

We just got new grey and white bedding *swoon*, and it is sooo comfortable! I made my coffee and hopped right back in bed! :)

7:45 Morning Mom! 

8:00 "Eat!" Breakfast :)

Baylee had bananas and waffles with some syrup for dipping and Mama had a whole wheat english muffin with PB and bananas. Yummmm

8:30 Baby Einstein for Bay and cleaning for me! 

My brain couldn't handle any Disney Channel shows today, so Baylee watched a few Baby Einsteins about colors and numbers. The classical music is way more relaxing for both of us. :) And, yes, Baylee is sitting in her doll stroller...thanks to Daddy for teaching her that. :/

9:30 Books and puzzles 

10:00 Potty time!

Baylee decided to try and start potty training again today! She went pee once and poop's a start! :)

 10:15 Dinner prep 

Some chicken breasts and salsa in the crock pot...easiest chicken tacos ever!

 10:30 Milk and a movie

I finally got Baylee off the bottle nipples! Woohoo! I found a sippy cup spout made out of the same material as the nipples that fit on all of her Nuk bottles and we never looked back. Finally! P.S. We watched "Inside Out" while we snuggled. :)

12:00 Nap time!

12:15 Mommy time!

I should have exercised, but I just didn't feel up for it. I took a shower, had some reflection time, and closed my eyes for a half hour instead. It's nice to get some peace.

2:00 Baylee's still sleeping...

My Dad and sister came over, so I got to go to Target *gasp* alone

3:00 Baylee still sleeping!!! Better wake that kid up... 

3:15 Late lunch 

I had my sister wake up the girl from her 3 hour snooze. Though she woke up in a good mood, it was accompanied by a stuffy, runny nose. Crap. 

4:00 Outside play! 

Sunshine and silly songs heal everything!

5:30 Dinner! 

My spoiled girl got to eat her tacos in front of the TV tonight because we had family over. A rare happening, but she loves doing it. (Typical kid)

6:00 I told myself no... 

But my eyes and tummy said "all the yes's!" Oh well...

6:30 Bath time! 

"Baylee, who do you want to give you your bath tonight?" "Umm...Dada!" He wins every time! 

7:00 Jammie time! 

7:15 Ready for my story! 

7:30 Drink milk and brush teeth 

 8:00 Goodnight kisses!

I can tell sweet girl doesn't feel too well because she went right to bed without a fuss! Hopefully she feels better in the morning!  

Goodnight loves!

Until next time! XoXoXo



1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing , it makes me feel as if I was there and can enjoy the little Angel right along with ya'll... Hope she feels better... Love you all, Papa
