Tuesday, February 2, 2016

10 Reasons I Love Being a SAHM!

When I found out I was pregnant with Baylee, I knew immediately that I was going to be a stay at home mom no matter what sacrifices it took. It was, and still is, important to me to be the primary caregiver for my little love.

 Now, working moms, please don't think I don't support you, because I totally do! In fact, I give you mad, mad props! I don't know how you do the balancing act, but you make it happen and stay amazing! :) So, keep up the great work!

For me, I've never wanted another job more than to be a Mama. I've gotten a lot of judgement here and there for my decision, but I don't regret it one bit. No, I don't have all the little luxuries I used to have. We don't have a huge fancy house or go on vacations all the time, but that's okay! The time I get to spend with my daughter is so much better, and I feel so much more rich because of it. So, if you're debating on being a SAHM, here are 10 reasons why I love it so...


1. I get to see every milestone. I was there for her first word, first crawl, first step...all of it. Those memories of my baby growing and developing will be in my mind forever, and I feel so blessed for that.

2. My family eats home-cooked meals 90% of the time. Occasionally, we will go out to eat, but it's super rare. I love that my husband can come home to a hot meal and that I'm not eating junk food on my lunch breaks like I used to when I was working.

3. We don't have to pay for daycare. Believe it or not, staying home with Baylee actually saves us money. Daycare isn't cheap, so putting her in one would have taken most of my paychecks. 

4. Baylee is advanced with her language development. She said her first word at only 6 months old, and has been talking up a storm ever since! Lately, she has been already putting together small sentences and repeating everything I say. I truly believe that this is because I get to speak to her all day every day, and really spend time focusing on new words with her.

5. I get to be her pre-preschool teacher. I think a lot of people have the misconception that SAHM's just sit on their butt and watch TV all day, and while that may be true for some; it's not how we roll in this house. I make sure we have lessons through play every day. We count, learn ABC's, sing songs, and do sensory experiments, along with a lot of other activities. We watch some TV during quiet times, of course, but I love to be able to mostly focus on her learning.

6. I get to take her to experience her world. I often feel that if I was working, Baylee wouldn't have the experiences that I get to give her. Even if it's just going to a park or Disneyland, she gets exposed to many different things and people of all ages, and I think that is so important.
7. I never dread waking up in the morning. I used to hate getting up for work. I would roll myself out of bed and be grumpy until my morning java kicked in. Now, I hear that little girl on her monitor quietly playing with her stuffed dog and smile. Waking up to her is the best time of my day.

8. I get "me" time. I know this will change when she eventually drops her nap, but for now, nap time is my "me" time. I get to blog, take a nap, paint my nails...whatever I want to do. Nap time keeps me sane!

9. I get to go with the flow. While our day is never short of a little chaos, I mostly get to go with the flow. There's no stress of meetings or deadlines, and my boss is only 18 months old, so she's only a little demanding. ;) If the house doesn't get cleaned or we never change out of our pajamas, that's okay. There's always tomorrow!

10. I get to spend every day with my bestie. Talk about having a great co-worker! That little girl is my best friend, and she has taught me more about life and myself than anyone else in the world. The fact that I get to spend every day with her is the best gift God could have ever given me.

I mean, just look at this face and try to walk out the door...

Until next time! XoXoXo

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