Monday, March 28, 2016

Our Easter

Oh, come too fast! I hope everyone had a nice Easter weekend, even though it was over entirely too quickly! 

We started the festivities on Saturday by dyeing some Easter eggs. This was Baylee's first experience with Easter eggs that aren't plastic, so she was very intrigued. She was as patient as she could be, and so gentle with all the eggs. We only had one casualty, so I call that a win! (And Baylee is allergic to eggs so she couldn't even eat it! Bummer!) I don't think she really grasped the concept, but she had fun helping me put the eggs into all the different cups and got very excited to see what color they would come out.

On Easter morning, we got up bright and early, and showed Baylee that the Easter bunny had brought her a basket full of goodies. She was so excited! I could have watched her empty the basket all day. She would take out one thing at a time, and play with it for a minute before setting it to the side to check out something else. So polite. :) Then once she found all the paper grass she went back into toddler tornado mode and threw that crap all over the house. (I've ran the vacuum twice and I'm still finding it everywhere.) Her favorite things in her basket were her bunny, book, and bubbles. Of course. I even let her eat a peep as a pre-breakfast snack. *Gasp*

Once we emptied her basket, we tried to get her started on hunting for all her eggs, but she wasn't very in to it. I think she was just hungry, because she would find an egg, shake it, open it, then eat all the yogurt dots or crackers inside it. It was pretty hilarious. We talked her through it though and toward the end she started getting the idea. It was definitely time for breakfast after that.

We knew we would be pressed for time to eat and also get ready to go to church, so we stuck to a simple eggs, bacon, and toast breakfast. I couldn't resist the urge to make it at least a little festive, though. ;)

Baylee looked precious at church in her sweet little Easter dress, and she was such a good girl the whole time! I've been so proud at what big girl she's been lately trooping through things that were guaranteed melt-down-city a few months ago. 

After church, Baylee took a nap, and Brian and I attacked the kitchen to prep for Easter dinner and dessert. We had pot roast, garlic parmesan potatoes, and veggies, and a from-scratch cheesecake for dessert. It all turned out sooo delicious. 

It was a gorgeous day, so while we waited for Brian's parents to come up for dinner, we decided to play outside with Baylee's new chalk and bubbles. I love watching her giggle and run outside. :) My Dad got her a bubble machine and she's absolutely obsessed! I love it because I don't have to give myself an asthma attack blowing bubbles for her over and over again. ;)

In all, it was a pretty magical Easter, and I am definitely sad that it's already over! Now, bring on the warm weather...we are ready for some pool time! :)

Until next time! XoXoXo


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