Thursday, March 24, 2016

Peeps Playdough

If you're looking for something fun that will keep your kiddos busy this Easter weekend, try making some edible Peeps playdough! I found the recipe a few weeks ago, and being a Peeps lover I knew I had to try it. This was Baylee's first experience with any kind of play dough, so I was really excited to see how she would react. Here is the recipe:


5 peeps (any color, and bunnies work best)
4 Tablespoons of cornstarch
1 & 1/2 teaspoons of vegetable oil (or coconut or olive)


In a medium bowl add all ingredients. 
Microwave for about 30 seconds, or until peeps expand.
 Use a spoon to stir until the glob cools off enough to touch it. Once you can touch it, begin to knead the dough.
Place on wax paper and repeat for other colors.

*Notes* You may need/want to add a little more cornstarch while you're mixing if it's still super sticky.
If you want a more vibrant color, add food coloring. I was aiming for the classic pastels, so I didn't do this. 

Baylee had so much fun using cookie cutters to cut out shapes from her dough. (And sneaking tastes of it, ha.) It does harden quicker than regular playdough, so you have to keep kneading it, and it's a little greasy, but other than that, it was so much fun to play with! Mama even made a flower, and Baylee was very impressed. ;)

Best part? You get to eat all the leftover Peeps from the boxes you opened! 

Until next time! XoXoXo

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