Friday, April 15, 2016

Baylee's 21 Month Update!

I can't believe my baby girl is 21 months old today! She is only 3 short months away from being a big, bad 2 year old! The days are long, but the years are short, right?

This age has been the most challenging, as Baylee is mastering the art of the temper tantrum. Hello, terrible two's on the horizon! It's been a blast in other aspects though, because her communication skills grow everyday. There's nothing better than being able to have a chat with my little girlfriend. :) 

Age: 21 months
Weight: 24.5 lbs
Height: 31.5 inches 
Clothing size: Mostly 18 month but already fitting in 24 month and 2T for some brands
Teeth: 12 and waiting on all 4 of those evil canines to pop through!

Favorite foods: chicken and broccoli are her life for some reason, but she also loves turkey, peanut butter (in a sandwich or on a spoon), all fruit except cantaloupe (strawberries and blueberries are her fav!), pancakes, quesadillas, and of course anything sweet ;) She's still not a big fan of pasta or most bread, which I think is so weird because most kids I know live off that stuff, but they're just not her thing.

Favorite Words: Oh, my little conversationalist. This kid talks all day every day and if she doesn't know the right word she just makes up something. It's great! Shes speaking in 3 and 4 word sentences now. Her favorites are "Where are you?" "Dat Mama's (insert object here)" and "My name LeeLee"

Favorite activities: Anything that takes place outside, there's no doubt my kid is a summer baby because she haaates to be cooped up. She loves to dig, swing, and draw with chalk. When the weather doesn't permit outside fun, she likes to read books, color with crayons, play with her baby dolls, and sing and dance.

Least favorite activities: When she can't accomplish something that she's trying to do she gets ridiculously frustrated and usually hurls said object across the room. She also hates anything with a 5 point dare you tie her free spirit down!

Favorite toys: She's recently obsessed with her baby dolls and can play with just them most of the day, but she also still loves her little people, stuffed animals, and has a new found love for stacking blocks.  

Signature moves: Getting her Minnie Mouse vacuum out and helping me vacuum the house, pretending to sleep and snore but always keeping her eyes open, informing everyone at the table whose cup is whose, and she does a mean stanky leg when shes dancing. 

Baylee is smart as a whip, and can already count to 3 and tell me when things are blue, pink, and orange. (We are working on the other colors still.) When asked what her favorite color is, she promptly answers "Blue!".  

She's starting to learn the lyrics to some songs and loves to try to sing along with me, usually only catching the last word of each line, but it's adorable none-the-less. Her favorite songs to sing are "Twinkle, Twinkle", "You Are My Sunshine" and "ABC's". Oh, and she loves to sing the "Clean Up" song when we clean up her toys together. I will start picking stuff up and I'll hear her going "Meee mup, meee mup!" Hysterical!

Though she got her Mama's attitude and temper (sorry kiddo, we're Italian), she also has a very compassionate and affectionate side. She loves to ask me "Unna hug?" and then gives me a big bear hug around the neck and a kiss. She knows when someone is sad and will curl right up in their lap. I love watching her little personality unfold more every day, and I hope she always keeps her sweet spirit

She's reached the age of pointing out the obvious and it's kind of my favorite thing ever. I love when we go to a store and she points and tells me what everything she recognizes is. "Oh, ball!" "Oh, bup!" (cup) "Oh, Mama, clothes!" It's great to see her be so proud of herself for remembering the words.

Now, the countdown is on for her second birthday! I can't wait to see how much she changes between now and July. :) All I know, is this chick is busy, fierce, and ready to move mountains!

Happy 21 Months, my princess! Mama loves you more than words could ever say! 

Until next time! XoXoXo   

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