Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Things That Baylee Says...

One of my favorite things about having a toddler is listening her language development. I wish I could record her all day long just so I could go back one day and watch the silly, cute way she used to say things. I try to catch what I can with videos on my phone, but as we know toddlers are unpredictable, and often get a little camera shy when they know they're being filmed. So, I thought I'd write a blog post to keep a memory of this precious age, because I know it won't last long! Here are some of my favorite things that Baylee says (mostly wrong) right now...

We have two bulldogs named Daisy and Sophie, but Baylee has deemed them "Cheesy" or sometimes "Zizzy" and dog. She refuses to say Sophie.

Whenever she sees words in a book or on a screen she says "E, I, E, I" and points to the words because those are the only letters she knows. If you ask her to count something, she points and says "two, three, two, three" and always forgets "one"!

If she falls down, I always ask "Are you okay?" and if she is, she says, "I'm osay!" If shes not, she says " boo!"

I don't know how she picked it up correctly, but she says "tank tu" in all the right moments. Yesterday, I served her lunch and she said "Tank tu, Mommy" and I about died. :)

Anything with wheels is a "choo choo" and you can't tell her any different.

Whenever I spill something or make a mess she asks me "What you do?!" condescendingly. She also loves to ask "Where ah youu?!" to missing toys and Daddy while hes at work.

If she puts her baby to bed and I talk to her she tells me "Shhhh." and puts her finger up to her mouth. 

Nine times out of ten, she calls animals by the sounds they make. She knows the actual animals' names, but for some reason she prefers the sounds better. "Baylee whats that?" "A moo!"

If I ask her what she wants for breakfast, she always answers "dandakes" (pancakes) or "email" (oatmeal).

She somehow picked up calling things "yucky" which she pronounces "ducky". So if she gets some syrup on her hand, "Ewwww, ducky!" Oh, and she calls syrup, ketchup, really any condiment "dippit".

Brian's favorites are the way she says "bath" which is so hard to best spelling would be "balpthhh" with lots of tongue and very dramatic, and when she squeezes someones nose and says "knonck knonck" (honk honk).

Lately, when someone leaves the room that she's in she asks if they went potty. "Daddy potty?" 

She is obsessed with colors right now, and learning more every day. She loves to tell me what color things are and has mastered blue, pink, orange, green, brown, and black, but for the life of her, she cannot get the hang of red or yellow.

Last, but not least, we can't forget her favorite Disney characters: "Air-wee-ol" (Ariel), "Mee-nee Mousch" (Minnie Mouse), "Rella" (Cinderella), and "Olash" (Olaf).

If I could bottle up this age and keep it forever, I really would. Minus the tantrums. ;)

 Until next time! XoXoXo




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