Monday, June 27, 2016

Our Weekend in Baldy!

Oh, Monday... We are having a slow day over here in the Tibbetts' house because we had a jam packed weekend of fun! 
On Saturday, we went to the Mt Baldy Fire Department Fundraiser. We go every year, and traditionally it's a "steak fry" where the fire fighters serve steak meals to everyone, but this year they did it a little differently, and we loved the change! Instead of steak dinners they had food trucks and craft beer stands. It all looked so quaint in the middle of the woods, and the food and drinks were amazing.

 There were a lot of food trucks to choose from (even sushi!), but Brian and I opted to go the heart attack route and got burgers and steak fries. They also had a truck serving Italian Ice, so Baylee and I sampled the root beer float flavor.

 The kiddos had so much fun running around playing on the fire trucks, and dancing to the live band. Baylee and Adalyn found themselves some buckets and were drumming away to the music (and only stopping to dig in some dirt). They had a blast and got crazy filthy like true mountain babies. :)

The next day, we went back up the mountain again to attend our friends' 3-year-old's birthday party. It was the sweetest little out door tea party ever, and Baylee was thrilled to be playing with all the "big girls"!

Much to all the girls' delight, they had a surprise guest...Queen Elsa herself! Baylee was absolutely star-struck with her mouth hanging wide open and shouting "Hi Elsa! Hi Elsa". Heart officially warmed.

Elsa served the girls their "tea" (juice of course), gave them pretty snowflake tattoos, and then did and entire song and dance with them to "Let It Go". The whole thing was absolutely adorable, and I'm pretty sure it was the highlight of Baylee's weekend. She did so well sipping her juice from an actual teacup. When she finished she held up her cup and said "Elsa, mo tea pease!" Hysterical! She was the youngest of the "big kids", so I didn't expect her to be so outgoing, but she was singing and dancing her little heart out with the rest of them. I was so proud of my girl, and so grateful to our friends that she got to have that experience!

How we love our weekends in the mountain! Maybe one day we will live closer so our adventures there won't be so few and far between. :)

Until next time! XoXoXo


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