Friday, July 1, 2016

Water-less Water Table Activities!

Now that we've been hitting triple digit days every day here in the desert, it's too hot to even play in the water outside for very long. So, I had to get clever and come up with some ideas for activities that would keep Baylee busy inside the house. She loves her water table, but was getting a little bored of it, so I thought we could totally use it for other sensory play activities! 

These are the four things we have tried so far, and all have been a hit with Baylee! (If you have any other ideas let me know in the comments section!)

*Disclaimer* These activities are MESSY. We did them in the kitchen and I always had around 15 minutes of clean up to do after. It was SO worth it though! 

1. Rice
I bought a huge bag of rice from Winco and dumped it all in the water table. To make it more fun, I gave her some spoons and measuring cups, and even stuck a few of her Little People in there. She had a blast scooping and pouring and making it "rain" on her Little People princesses. I think this one was the biggest hit with her so far because whenever I pull the water table out now she says "Oooh rice?!" After we played I put all the rice back in a Ziploc so that we can play with it again! 

2. Ice
 I guess technically this doesn't count at "water-less" because it eventually becomes water, but whatever, it was fun! Baylee loved scooping the ice and hearing the loud sound it made when she dumped it back in the table. Once it started to melt and the ice floated she had fun stirring her "soup" and drinking it. Haha!

3. Cloud Dough 
This activity was my favorite, and I actually sat and played with the "dough" with Baylee for a good half hour. All cloud dough is is 8 cups of flour and one cup of any cooking oil (we used olive oil). You mix it with your hands and it becomes like a really fine sandy type substance. It's squishy and moldable with sand toys. The best part is that it keeps for forever, so just like with the rice, I stuck it in a Ziploc to use again! I think I will even make another batch so it fills up the whole water table next time.

4. Rainbow Spaghetti
We've played with rainbow spaghetti in the bath tub before, so I thought it would be perfect for the water table too! Baylee had so much fun scooping it and learning to use the tongs to pick it up. To make rainbow spaghetti, all you do is add food coloring to the boiling water while you are cooking it, and then let it cool completely before you play!  

If anyone tries any of these activities, let me know what your kiddos think! Hope you all have a great weekend! 
Happy Independence Day!

Until next time! XoXoXo

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